Saturday, November 3, 2018

Blinked - Platform of recommendations for social networks

Blinked is a platform of recommendations for social networks, managed by a group of qualified professionals, which provides users with up to 90 percent of advertising revenue. Members earn 90 percent of income, being an active advisor. Your level of earnings will be determined by how busy you are, and participants will simply share their favorite things, places, services and everything else that fascinates them. To receive rewards, participants exchange their earnings in Blinked Arc Ode.The Blinked token is designed for use on a Blinked platform designed for advertising and rewarding the product itself. An advertiser, business or user buys a Blinked token, exchanges it for a Blinked Gold (BGZD) token and uses it to (a) earn money on the platform or (b) offers it to the end user to interact with the digital advertising content. There is no other purpose of using the Blinked token.The block will be included in the distributed application software platform to address the issues of transparency and validation in online media advertising and reviews. Existing non-broker solutions do not offer a trusted resource. The inherent transparency offered by the blockbuster will solve many of the problems that people have with solutions such as Yelp and Facebook.The BLKD and BGZD tokens are of paramount importance for users, companies and advertisers.


Blinked token (BLKD) is a service token, the value of which depends on its use on the Blinked network. Blinked (BLKD) token holders include users, advertisers, brands, companies and a local decentralized sales team, as well as an independently managed stabilization fund.

Blinked users purchase Blinked Gold (BGZD) by attracting advertisers and other users. Blinked Gold (BGZD) can be converted back into a Blinked (BLKD) token at a predetermined rate (and subsequently converted to a currency), spent on purchasing goods and services in the Blinked Gallery, or used in Blinked Network (for example, challenging or playing games). The Blinked network encourages Blinked users to interact more actively with advertisers and other users. Users are classified into different levels depending on their level of involvement: Ordinary Users, Featured Users, Power Users, Primary Users, Ambassador Users and Premium Users.

Advertisers, brands and companies buy a Blinked (BLKD) token to identify and acquire customers who use the Blinked Network, and better understand their consumer preferences. Blinked (BLKD) token in Blinked Network is converted to credits called Blinked Gold (BGZD). These credits can be used to sell advertising (for example, advertising banners or videos), purchase of loyalty programs, recommendations or any other advertising actions that meet their needs, without a centralized authority dictating the conditions. Thus, Blinked (BLKD) token is a flexible tool that allows you to use different marketing strategies for advertisers.

Local ad sales administrators (LASAs) are users who purchase a Blinked (BLKD) token on behalf of interested companies who want to advertise their local or national services on Blinked. LASAs must first place their territory, which they own. LASA positions will be distributed depending on the population and geographic region, and will be promoted or demotivated based on LASA performance, managed exclusively by the Blinked platform itself. LASAs will earn commissions, like any sales team, by managing the Blinked platform itself.



** Recommendations: ** Blinked users earn Blinked Gold (BGZD) by recommending things on the platform. Users can recommend anything (people, places, products, services, technologies, events, etc.). The more likes and recommendations receive by other users, the more the recommended person earns.

View ads: Blinked users earn Blinked Gold (BGZD) by viewing additional announcements / commercials on the platform. Only users who are involved and active on the platform can participate in advertising revenue. The user can not use the platform solely to view advertising and earnings.

To get a tip: Blinked users earn Blinked Gold (BGZD) by getting tips from other users who appreciate the recommendation.

Winning Challenges : Blinked users earn Blinked Gold (BGZD) by participating in tests created by other users. A call is a contest in which the user seeks to find the best recommendation from other users.

Become a local sales administrator: Blinked users earn Blinked Gold (BGZD) by becoming a blink of Administrators (patrol) or Sales Administrators (salespeople).








My profiel:;u=1856275


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