Saturday, April 21, 2018

FROSHFEEL - Revolutionizes the Social and Educational Environment through the provision of a platform that offers comprehensive solutions for all aspects of student life.

What is Froshfeel?

froshfeel provides a decentralized peer-to-peer student platform where students, businesses, professionals, institutions and educators can interact with each other at the educational level in the social environment.

Introducing froshfeel. By combining the educational and social elements of student life, froshfeel serves a variety of young markets. Our platform revolves around students as they travel through their tertiary educational experience. Froshfeel provides a peer-to-peer student platform where students, businesses, professionals, institutions and educators can interact with each other at the educational level in the social environment. With the introduction of blockchain technology, froshfeel declared its own decentralized currency - fro.

Froshfeel allows users to buy and sell goods and services directly from the platform. Users can easily find businesses and institutions around those who receive froins through the discovery feature.

Froshfeel allows students to pay institutions, educators, and business partners. Students can spend time in various ways, including: student accommodation, tuition, textbooks, student flights, groceries, concert tickets, restaurants, clothing and more directly through their phone with used goods anywhere in the world, while utilizing special discounts and benefits.

Frozen entirely decentralized which means the funds are never held by a third party. A user-friendly, secure and secure platform ensures users can transact comfortably while the recipient receives instant payments.

Froshfeel is revolutionizing the social and educational environment through the provision of a platform that offers comprehensive solutions for all aspects of student life.

As an investor you may ask why you should choose froshfeel. There are many unique selling points that are part of the froshfeel platform, but the most prominent are listed below:
Froshfeel aims to address the lack of resources and educational assistance available to students. The froshfeel platform is an educational and social network intended for students. We aspire to build a large user database that will be available to businesses and institutions.

The student market comprises about 1.2 billion people. The need for a single platform, which combines all the elements of tertiary educational journey of students and beyond, has become imperative. Froshfeel allows users to search for information, seek educational assistance for exams and assignments, explore all existing institutions and qualifications, see and apply to jobs and networks with like-minded users. Users will also be able to buy and sell various products and services through the platform.

The institution will be able to provide information on the qualifications available, contact details, location, registration process, gallery and other important information about the froshfeel platform.

Businesses will have access to our database to showcase and sell their products and services directly to users on the platform, anywhere in the world.

Educators will have the option to create classes, offer tutoring services, provide assistance to student users, host events and more.

Road Map


ICO Website:

ICO Start Date: April 1 (00:00 GMT)

ICO End Date: April 30 (23:59 GMT)

Price per Coin: 1 USD = 1 FROIN

Coin Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 1000 FROINS

Minimum Purchase Amount: 0.1 ETH/0.01 BTC

Accepted Form of Payment: ETH/BTC

Token Distribution

For more information, visit the link below:









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