Monday, August 13, 2018


The crypto space is as yet developing the same number of headways continue coming in, similarly, challenges which must be unraveled in order to advance the wide appropriation of blockchain and the crypto space all in all. A portion of the headways incorporate the utilization of keen contracts, different renditions of blockchain offering high Transactions Per Second and so forth, while challenges incorporate security, centralization in most digital money trades and so on. There are unquestionably two kinds of digital currency trades;
a. Custodial: Stores clients reserves (digital currency) until the point that it's been asked,
b. Moment: Operates independently without approaching clients private key.
Most circumstances one may ask since blockchain offers decentralization, why is most cryptographic money trades working on an incorporated stage, while being inside the crypto space?
This is a central issue which an undertaking known as CHANGENOW expects to reply.
Blockchain innovation offers decentralization where clients will have control over their own information, however with digital currency trades working on a brought together database that fundamental point of blockchain innovation has been stopped, which has by and large brought about hacks and so on. ChangeNow means to get an awesome turnaround the crypto space by showing a helpful method to trade cryptographic forms of money, in this way understanding issues related with current digital currency trades.


One of the key issues on the planet is centralization. Centralization is one of the issues blockchain means to amend. Centralization is when information is saved money on a focal server or database, this prompts a high danger of information control as clients have no power over their information. In this crypto space, blockchain innovation means to make clients the ace of their own information yet with digital currency trades collecting clients finances in their facilitated wallets, clients are still in danger notwithstanding when they are inside a framework offering decentralization.
Centralization and security issues work deliver glove, this is on account of, with information or assets, for this situation, being saved money on facilitated wallets, clients reserves are at the danger of getting hacked. Besides, innovative disappointments and human blunders are not forgotten, all adding to information breaks where assets can be effectively hacked.
Absence of straightforwardness is yet another reason for worry as most exchanges between clients are not sufficiently straightforward, with most administrations keeping their internal operational subtle elements prudent, in this way prompting doubt and capability of cheats which goes far to dishearten clients.
At the point when clients experience issues and need dire consideration, when they contact the client mind officials, the answer they get will even debilitate them the more. This is because of the client mind officials not having the correct answer, as they should contact designers first before answering the client which may take hours or even days, most circumstances the answer clients get will be off point and of no utilization.
The last however not the minimum is issues of ease of use. Private keys, wallet addresses, hash tends to and so on are just for experienced clients, as new clients discover it entrusting exploring around trades.


The answer for this issues is ChangeNow. ChangeNow is a web stage made by splendid personalities to make the trading of digital forms of money less demanding and advantageous.
ChangeNow takes care of the issues by concentrating on decentralization, along these lines making it workable for clients to be accountable for their assets. With the attention on decentralization, ChangeNow achieved a decent level of straightforwardness and assets security. Additionally, ChangeNow stage has performed numerous infiltration tests to guarantee ideal security is ensured, including limiting human mistakes through the usage of trend setting innovations accessible in the decentralized space, at the same time execution of tasks will be made straightforward too.
ChangeNow additionally has very much prepared client mind officials and they are promptly accessible (day in and day out). To guarantee top notch benefits, the client mind officials are incorporated into ChangeNow's exercises in order to work well for clients. Moreover, ChangeNow offers an easy to understand interface where any client can unreservedly explore.

Characteristics OF CHANGENOW
ChangeNow is anything but a custodial trade.
ChangeNow is a web stage intended to be straightforward, sheltered and helpful for clients.
ChangeNow gathers no shrouded expenses, along these lines staying sincerely with clients.
ChangeNow offers speedier exchange, with 5 minutes being the most with regards to high exchange volume.
Clients can trade in excess of 100 digital forms of money and in addition having the chance to change over to fiat.
By utilizing the characteristics of blockchain innovation, for example, decentralization, straightforwardness and obscurity, stores insurance is guaranteed as clients are responsible for their assets.


ChangeNow token NOW is as of now an ERC20 token based on Ethereum blockchain, with conceivable movement to EOS blockchain after the dispatch of their mainnet, in this way changing over all tokens on a proportion of 1:1. Presently is an utility token with the aggregate supply of 200,000,000.
Clients will profit by including high help inside the stage and in addition the exceptional rate for trades. While the network will profit by incidental abundance programs and so forth.


ChangeNow is a remarkable stage where clients will have the capacity to trade diverse kinds of digital forms of money at a speedier and more less expensive rate, while in the meantime being responsible for their own information. ChangeNow offers an advantageous and simple to utilize interface so both new and experienced clients will have the chance to take part without issues.









My profiel:;u=1856275



  1. Do not fall into ChangeNow's trap. If you love your money d research before you decide to use their services.Just so you know, at the moment they are involved in a huge scam accusation of 11BTC with a user and they are stalling in resolving. They claim they do not store users’ private keys but they asking for proof of ID from this user. It is best to stay away from them especially if you're going in with a large sum of money, until you're sure they've succeefully resolved their scam case. More information on the case here:

  2. There is nothing transparent about ChangeNow, after the 11BTC case surfaced, they started doing everything to look legit. Apparently they have even changed the names of CEOs/Founders on the original white-paper for their NOWtoken, as well as moved their Russian office, where it was originally listed before the 11BTC scam case came alive. People who cannot stick to one face of a company, how can one trust them. Hiding behind a false pretence, and taking clients funds. Latest updates about the case can be found here:

  3. My own with this is case is that ChangeNow have confessed that they did anonymous transactions for customers before. But now they are no more doing this type of transactions. Since the 11btc man, and the privcoin people did their business with them when the company is still doing anonymous transactions, then it is bullshit that the company ask for ID from both of them, because that time, they said the do anonymous transactions, and that is when both of them transact with them. It is because the money is big form this two customers that they want to steal it for their own.


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Aufin very low maintenance cost, using the power of the blockchain amnakhan201  (25) in  #btc  •  2 days ago This blog is going to focus on ...