Friday, November 16, 2018
CRYPTOCOIN INSURANCEPertukaran opsi pertama dengan kemungkinan mengasuransikan deposito terhadap kejatuhan
Halo ... Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan proyek INSURANCE CRYPTOCOIN atau Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan proyek ASURANSI CRYPTOCOIN, adalah ide bagus untuk membaca yang dapat membantu Anda menemukan informasi yang mungkin membantu Anda dalam melihat visi dan misi mereka selama PROGRAM ASURANSI CRYPTOCOIN.
Tentang proyek
Pilihan adalah derivatif keuangan yang dijual oleh penulis opsi untuk pembeli opsi. Kontrak menawarkan kepada pembeli hak, tetapi bukan kewajiban, untuk membeli (opsi panggilan) atau menjual (put option) aset yang mendasari pada harga yang disepakati selama periode waktu tertentu atau pada tanggal tertentu. Harga yang disepakati disebut harga strike. Ada banyak tipe opsi. Satu opsi dapat dilakukan kapan saja sebelum tanggal kedaluwarsa opsi, sementara opsi lain hanya dapat dilakukan pada tanggal kedaluwarsa (tanggal latihan). Berolahraga berarti memanfaatkan hak untuk membeli atau menjual keamanan yang mendasarinya.
Terdengar sangat sulit! Itulah mengapa proyek ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian: pertukaran opsi dan perusahaan asuransi ..
Pedagang dan hedge fund menyimpulkan transaksi pembelian dan penjualan opsi saham
Klien lain, yang tidak ingin tahu cara kerja opsi dapat membeli asuransi untuk pertumbuhan atau jatuhnya mata uang kripto utama.
Klien membayar asuransi dalam jumlah 0,1 Bitcoin untuk deposit dalam jumlah 3 Bitcoin. Jika harga turun 15% dalam 3 hari, dia berhak untuk mendapatkan asuransi dalam jumlah setoran jatuh - 0,45 Bitcoin. Dalam hal asuransi, CRYPTOCOIN ASURANSI membayar klien asuransi dari asuransi yang diperoleh sebelumnya. Jika belum ada acara asuransi, asuransi yang dibayar oleh klien akan menjadi pendapatan perusahaan.
ASURANSI CRYPTOCOIN memungkinkan Anda untuk memastikan harga jatuh atau risiko pertumbuhan untuk cryptocurrency utama.
Masalah: Tidak ada solusi untuk memastikan simpanan di Bitcoin atau Ethereum agar tidak jatuh. Pada saat yang sama di pasar ini ada peningkatan volatilitas yang membuat orang takut menyimpan dana besar dalam cryptocurrency. Di sisi lain, perusahaan besar lambat untuk memasuki pasar (misalnya, untuk menerima pembayaran dalam cryptocurrency) karena alasan yang sama.
Solusi: Pertukaran akan mulai beroperasi dengan 5 cryptocurrency yang memiliki pasar maksimum. Selanjutnya, seiring meningkatnya permintaan dan omset, kami akan menambahkan mata uang kripto lainnya. ASURANSI CRYPTOCOIN menjual baik pertumbuhan Bitcoin atau Ethereum dan asuransi jatuh. Dengan demikian, itu melindungi risikonya. Tidak ada persaingan di pasar yang memungkinkan mempertahankan marjin yang signifikan pada level 20%. ASURANSI CRYPTOCOIN mengemas ulang dan menjual / membeli risikonya sendiri sebagai opsi dalam pertukarannya sendiri.
ASURANSI CRYPTOCOIN meluncurkan pertukaran mata uang cryptocurrency pilihan pertama di dunia
Masalah: Tidak ada pertukaran mata uang cryptocurrency khusus di mana Anda dapat membeli / menjual opsi. Ketakutan utama untuk menciptakan bursa saham semacam itu adalah meningkatnya volatilitas juga. Tampaknya semua orang yang berurusan dengan opsi untuk saham, minyak atau gandum bahwa risikonya sangat besar.
Solusi: Ketakutan utama dari opsi di pasar cryptocurrency adalah peningkatan volatilitas. Tapi benarkah itu?
Mari kita pertimbangkan contoh dengan pasar saham kebiasaan. Misalnya, klien menjual opsi untuk bagian dari Perusahaan ZZZ. Hari ini hari Sabtu, dan pasar tutup. Ada kabar baik yang tak terduga dan saham tumbuh 2-10 kali pada pembukaan pasar pada hari Senin. Pada gilirannya, penjual opsi menderita kerugian besar.
Keuntungan dari pasar cryptocurrency tidak seperti saham atau komoditas adalah bahwa ia beroperasi 24 jam sehari. Dan untuk seluruh periode keberadaannya (sekitar 10 tahun), tidak pernah ada berita yang dengan cepat akan menggeser harga Bitcoin atau Ethereum setidaknya 30-50%. Bahkan, jika hanya chip biru (koin), pasar cryptocurrency jauh lebih aman untuk penjual opsi daripada pasar lain yang kita terbiasa.
Pilihan memungkinkan penjualan singkat
Masalah: Masih belum ada peluang penjualan singkat di pasar cryptocurrency. Tidak ada yang bisa menjual cryptocurrency yang secara fisik tidak ada di akun dalam waktu singkat. Ini mengurangi kemampuan spekulan untuk memperlancar fluktuasi harga di pasar lain. Pada gilirannya itu menyebabkan peningkatan volatilitas dan konsekuensi yang disebutkan dalam kl. 1 dan 2 di atas.
Solusi: Tanpa memiliki fisik Bitcoin atau Ethereum, adalah mungkin untuk mendapatkan opsi untuk jatuh, dan benar-benar melaksanakan penjualan yang tidak terungkap. Kesempatan ini membawa ke pasar banyak pedagang baru, investor dan spekulan, serta hedge fund yang menempatkan uang tidak hanya pada pertumbuhan tetapi juga pada jatuhnya pasar.
Kenapa sekarang?
Ada sekitar seribu pertukaran dan tidak ada pertukaran opsi
Pesatnya pertumbuhan bunga hedge fund ke cryptomarket tidak puas karena kurangnya pilihan dan kemungkinan penjualan yang pendek
Kami telah mengumpulkan tim profesional yang tahu segalanya tentang pasar opsi dan siap untuk mewujudkannya bukan perubahan revolusioner tetapi inovatif
Ukuran pasar
Kapitalisasi pasar cryptocurrency berjumlah ratusan miliar dolar. Volume perdagangan harian berada pada level $ 10-20 miliar.
Ukuran pasar opsi untuk komoditas dan saham berbeda dari satu negara ke negara lain, dan adalah 1-5% dari jumlah pasar aset dasar. Dengan demikian, kita dapat menghitung volume potensial dari pasar opsi untuk cryptocurrency dasar dalam jumlah $ 50-250 juta per hari.
Namun, perhitungan tidak memperhitungkan bahwa opsi benar-benar memberikan peluang untuk penjualan singkat yang saat ini tidak dapat dilakukan pada pertukaran cryptocurrency. Ini akan berkontribusi pada peningkatan tambahan dalam permintaan penjual untuk instrumen.
ASURANSI CRYPTOCOIN memiliki dua sumber utama pendapatan
Pertukaran Opsi
Keuntungan dihasilkan sebagai komisi perdagangan dari setiap operasi pada opsi pembelian atau penjualan. Ini adalah 0,5% per transaksi atau 1% per lingkaran untuk masing-masing pihak transaksi.
Dengan mempertimbangkan volatilitas opsi dan peluang besar untuk mendapatkan keuntungan, komisi ini tidak signifikan untuk pelaku pasar. Namun, hal ini memungkinkan pertukaran untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tinggi dibandingkan dengan pertukaran cryptocurrency yang biasa karena kurangnya kompetisi. Dalam hal pesaing di masa depan, jumlah komisi pertukaran dapat dikurangi secara proporsional.
Perusahaan asuransi
Pendapatan dihasilkan dengan menjual asuransi pertumbuhan / penurunan cryptocurrency.
Potensi Pertumbuhan Token CCIN
Perusahaan ASURANSI CRYPTOCOIN telah mengembangkan model yang sederhana dan mudah dipahami untuk peningkatan nilai token CCIN. 30% dari setiap komisi yang diperoleh oleh pertukaran opsi akan diarahkan ke dana likuiditas. Dalam bulan berikutnya ASURANSI CRYPTOCOIN mengirimkan dana ini untuk membeli token CCIN dari pasar dan membakarnya.
Model bisnis ini diadopsi hanya untuk kepentingan investor kami. Janji untuk membeli token dari laba masa depan tidak bisa transparan. Selain itu, bursa atau platform mungkin tidak pernah mendapat keuntungan secara fisik. Dalam kasus token CRYPTOCOIN ASURANSI, investor tahu persis bahwa setiap transaksi pembelian / penjualan opsi menghasilkan arus kas yang digunakan untuk membeli token.
Hal ini memungkinkan secara konstan menggeser keseimbangan pasar dan meningkatkan permintaan akan token CCIN.
Jika omzetnya adalah $ 50 juta per hari, komisi untuk kedua sisi transaksi akan menjadi $ 500.000 atau $ 15 juta sebulan. 30% dari jumlah ini atau $ 5 juta dikirim setiap bulan untuk membeli token CCIN dari pasar.
100 000 000
Token CCIN akan diterbitkan
Alokasi Token
Alokasi dana yang terkumpul
Peta jalan
Proyek tim
Berikut adalah informasi yang saya sajikan kepada Anda dalam mencari informasi dan mengetahui proyek CRYPTOCOIN INSURANCE yang saat ini sedang dijalankan oleh tim mereka, jika ada kesalahan dalam menjelaskan artikel ini, jangan khawatir, saya telah menulis untuk mendapatkan informasi yang akurat. Informasi dan tentu saja Anda akan dapat berbicara langsung dengan atau tim meureka, di tautan.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan bergabung dengan media sosial ASURANSI CRYPTOCOIN, harap ikuti panduan berikut ini:
My profiel:;u=1856275
Thursday, November 15, 2018
КАК МИР Платформа образования на базе BLOCKCHAIN
LIKER WORLD – это блочная образовательная платформа контента.
Это сопровождается политикой пожертвований, связанных с образовательными проектами.
Инновации в будущем образовании через лучшие технологии, ориентированные на общество и человечество.
Основываясь на идее, что вся деятельность компании должна преследовать социальные ценности,
LIKER имеет 3 основных аспекта: ТРАСТ, ПОДАРКИ и ПОЖЕРТВОВАНИЕ.
LIKER – это платформа образования на базе BLOCKCHAIN. Благодаря системе проверки подлинности на основе доверия преподаватели платформ взаимодействуют друг с другом для создания
образовательной экосистемы. Их связанные с образованием операции и деятельность компенсируются в соответствии с символической экономикой, что, в свою очередь, приводит к вкладу в образование. Это создает хорошую структуру цикла, которая приносит больше образовательных преимуществ слепым пятнам. Это миссия для всех нас, вызов для
нас и начало реформы образования. Blockchain будет прилагать много усилий в соответствии со стадией технологического развития многих
проблем. Прежде всего, мы хотим достичь образовательных пользователей посредством честной и прозрачной аутентификации и компенсации через блок-цепь.
Получайте вознаграждения, когда вы учитесь
– Доступ к образованию часто ограничивается такими факторами, как социальный класс или богатство, которые выходят за рамки нашего личного выбора или контроля.
– Право на образование должно быть таким же, как и все.
– Но что, если кто-то хочет учиться, где бы они ни находились и когда захочет.
– LIKER создает правильную экологическую систему для образования.
– LIKER открывает равные возможности для всех, кто хочет учиться.
– Все участники платформы LIKER будут вознаграждены в экономике блокчейнов.
– Независимо от расы, региона, богатства, вы можете учиться, хотя LIKER.
– Независимо от того, когда и где вы можете учиться через LIKER.
– LIKER использует большие данные для предоставления контент-услуг.
– LIKER предлагает новейший учебный контент для ваших нужд.
– Все действия на LIKER зашифровываются на прозрачной и надежной блочной цепочке.
– Получите индивидуальный подход, подготовленный в LIKER.
платформа LIKER является частной сетью Blockchain, которая является
доверительной базой информации о деятельности пользователя для LIKER и облачной
архитектуры для внедрения
платформ онлайн-сервисов DApp . Blockchain
Реализуйте лучшую техническую архитектуру для реализации бизнеса LIKER с помощью
комбинации лучших и наиболее доступных
платформ , а не единой платформы.
Сеть LIKER blockchain является частной цепочечной сетью.
Это связано с тем, что информация LIKER предназначена для включения в
цепочку блоков в отношении бизнес-записей, таких как
информация о деятельности пользователя, за исключением простой информации о транзакции
как биткойн, поэтому
важна масштабируемость информации и производительности.
Liker имеет самую большую цель в бизнес-инновациях с использованием
технологии blockchain. В частности, в области
технологии blockchain, которая очень быстро внедряется, принятие
новых технологий и реагирование на них – важный принцип
бизнес-инноваций. Сеть
Private Blockchain Hybrid Technical Agility Architecture как бизнес-платформа
Предварительная продажа Начиная с
20 ноября 2018 года (09:00 GMT)
Предварительная продажа
19 декабря 2018 года (09:00 GMT)
Основные продажи Начиная с
20 декабря 2018 года (09:00 GMT) ~
Pre-продажи: 20%
топ-продажи: 10%
Токены обменного курса
1 ETH = 7 000 LK
Минимальная сумма транзакции
0,015 ETH
Жесткая крышка: 50 000 ETH
Мягкая крышка: 5000 ETH
Дорожная карта
Концепции создания
команды Соберите
FinTech Group Bank4U LLc. ( На английском языке) Партнер Платформа Корея
Chung – дю, Китай на основе блока Chain Technology Co., Ltd Найдено
поколение Digital Cash & Методы Share – 2 заявки на патент
в 2017 году
Моя цена ОС, Корея – Блок Chain Tech Co., Ltd основана в
Осака, Япония – настойка Node
Ханой, Вьетнам Платформа – LIKER
2018 Q1
Калифорния, США – Платформа ULIKER
Kuala Lumpur, Малайзия – Платформа узлов LIKER
Бангкок, Таиланд Платформа узлов – Платформа LIKER
Jakarta Platform , Индонезия = Платформа LIKER
2018 Q2
Liker мир и Sung-kyunk-Вана университет Блок Цепной научно – исследовательский центр соглашение
ликера мира и Тонгук университет Блок Chain Business School (MBA)
ликера мира и PowerGen соглашение
ликера мир и OhKims Юридическое соглашение Bcc
Мальта – настойка Corporation Создание Запланированные
Hanbit Академия ИКТ и блок – цепь использование Coin Liker
Encrypted Wallet Meeting-up event Создано
соглашение о встрече с Paybank Ltd для реализации монеты выплаты
монеты Liker и соглашение Business Effects
Полная версия 3.0 white paper
2018 Q3
LIKER WORLD Бета-версия
DPI, ECOSO Люди, которые любят
2018 Q4
Рождественские события (12.24 ~)
зарегистрированы на валютном рынке монет
Для получения дополнительной информации перейдите по ссылке ниже:
Технический документ:
My profiel:;u=1856275
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Cryptocoin Insurance - The first option exchange with the possibility of insuring deposits against fall
About Project Cryptocoin Insurance
Options are a financial derivative sold by an option writer to an option buyer. The contract offers the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call option) or sell (put option) the underlying asset at an agreed-upon price during a certain period of time or on a specific date. The agreed upon price is called the strike price. There are many option types. One options can be exercised any time before the expiration date of the option, while other options can only be exercised on the expiration date (exercise date). Exercising means utilizing the right to buy or the sell the underlying security.
Sound so difficult! That’s why this project is divided in two parts: option exchange and insurance company:
Traders and hedge funds conclude deals on purchase and sale of stock options
Other clients, who don’t want to know how option works can purchase insurance for growing or fall of the main cryptocurrencies.
Cryptocoin Insurance has two main sources of income
Option Exchange
The profit is generated as a trade commission from each operation on purchasing or selling options. It is 0.5% per transaction or 1% per circle for each of the transaction parties.
Taking into account the volatility of options and huge opportunities for profit, this commission is not significant for market participants. However, it allows the exchange to earn a high income as compared to usual cryptocurrency exchanges due to the total lack of competition. In case of competitors in the future, the amount of the exchange commission can be proportionally reduced.
Insurance Company
The income is generated by selling cryptocurrency growth/decline insurances.
There is no solution to insure the deposit in Bitcoin or Ethereum from falling.
At the same time in this market there is increased volatility that makes people be afraid to store large funds in the cryptocurrency. On the other hand, large companies are slow to enter the market (for example,to accept payments in a cryptocurrency) for the same reason.
There is no special cryptocurrency exchange where you can buy/sell options.
The main fear of creating such stock exchange is the increased volatility, too. It seems to everyone who deals with options for stocks, oil or wheat that the risks are enormous.
There is still no short selling opportunity in the cryptocurrency market.
Nobody can sell a cryptocurrency that is physically absent on the account within a short period of time. This reduces the speculators’ ability to smooth price fluctuations in other markets. In its turn it causes the volatility increase and consequences enumerated in cl. 1 and 2 above.
CRYPTOCOIN INSURANCE allows you to insure price falls or growth risks for major cryptocurrencies.
CRYPTOCOIN INSURANCE creates the first option exchange.
Options enable short sales.
How It Works
The price of any option at a particular moment of time is under the influence of supply and demand and is constantly changing. Buyers of options risk only the amount spent to buy the option, for example, $ 100. They cannot lose more under any other circumstances. The option seller theoretically carries an unlimited risk associated with the change in the price of the basic asset (Bitcoin or Ethereum). That is why each sale of the option comes with a guarantee security (GS).
The guarantee security is the amount (margin) the exchange requires as a guarantee of the options seller to meet his obligations. GS is established by the exchange in a fixed amount as on a certain date and for one option contract. The GS value is indicated in the specification of this contract.
By selling an option, the seller immediately obtains the premium paid by the option buyer. The exchange freezes a part of the funds on the seller’s deposit until the transaction is executed or the position by the option is closed. GS may change as soon as the volatility of the basic asset increases/decreases.
If the price of the basic asset moves against the seller, he must make additional collateral if he is going to continue to hold this option or sell it. This process is regulated by the exchange in an automatic mode. If the options seller does
not have enough money on his account, the exchange will automatically liquidate this option position.
The exchange sets a limit on the maximum number of options that can be taken on one side of the market. This protects the exchange from the situations when due to the strong market movement to one direction, it cannot quickly close options of the sellers whose deposits fall below the GS.
CCIN Token
CCIN tokens will be placed during the ICO. Their total number is strictly fixed. All tokens that are not redeemed during the placement will be destroyed. They will never be issued additionally. They will be placed by using the Ethereum smart contract. The fixed number of CCIN tokens guarantees their buyers the increase in their value as the exchange earnings grow. Tokens will be introduced to the cryptocurrency exchanges within 30 days after the end of the ICO.
The CRYPTOCOIN INSURANCE Company has developed a simple and understandable model for the increase in the CCIN token value. 30% of each commission obtained by the option exchange will be directed to the liquidity fund. Within the next month CRYPTOCOIN INSURANCE sends these funds to purchase CCIN tokens from the market and burns them.
ICO Structure
Price of tokens: 3,000 CCIN tokens = 1 ETH
Date of ICO: November 1, 2018 - December 27, 2018
Minimum collection amount: $0.5 M
ICO main target: $5 М
Maximum collection amount: $10 M
All tokens that are not purchased when placed are destroyed. CCIN token is purchased by using Bitcoins or Ethereum.
Token Allocation
Allocation of the collected funds
Team project
For more information:
My profiel:;u=1856275
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Crypto Coin Insurance - First optional crypto change with the possibility of deposit insurance
Trading in the cryptocurrency market has gone through several stages of development: from the first centralized exchanges, where there were virtually no volumes, to hundreds of exchanges, where the market leader's turnover exceeds one billion dollars a day. Recently, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) authorized the trading of bitcoin futures on major US exchanges.
The market is becoming more like normal stock and commodity markets. However, one of the segments that many players, and especially hedgers, can not handle is completely available today. It's about options.
The facts
For the government, it will be almost impossible to prove that anyone is insured against any law. Neither can they reveal their insurance given given people money because no cash or traditional bank transfers are involved.
Government officials have limited sources to penalize all entrepreneurs; they will always choose only some "victims," therefore more paid insurers the anonymous insurance companies will have, lower insurance rates will be.
Less stupid and immoral laws mean less feasible business case of anonymous insurance companies.
Both anonymization technology and state dictatorship are always improved over time. Therefore the existence of anonymous cryptocurrencies is the only question of time.
The war of governments with anonymous insurance companies can be partially won by abolishing all the regulations and restrictions most people consider to be unethical.
The anonymous insurance against wrong laws can create an incentive for many decent non-technical people to use their property or protect their property.
The government can increase to kill all businesses that break any law and strictly enforces it. In the given situation, the best solution will be to move the business to a different country, or stay and pay high insurance fees.
The government can hire 4x more employees, does strict checks of EET legislation, issues 3x more penalties for entrepreneurs at the same time, therefore the forces of anonymous insurance companies to bankrupt.
This scenario is for sure possible. But it is necessary to realize that anonymous insurance does not need to be applied to the EET legislation only, but to any stupid / unethical law. The state simply does not have enough to follow if all people or companies follow each law people / companies may be insured for. The situation for the state is asymmetrical with an apparent advantage for anonymous insurance companies.
CRYPTOCOIN INSURANCE allows you to insure price falls or growth risks for major cryptocurrencies.
Problem: There is no solution to insure the deposit in Bitcoin or Ethereum from falling. At the same time in this market there is an increased volatility that makes people afraid to store large funds in the cryptocurrency. On the other hand, large companies are slow to enter the market (for example, to accept payments in a cryptocurrency) for the same reason.
Solution: The exchange will start operating with 5 cryptocurrencies that have the maximum market. Furthermore, as the demand and turnover increase, we will add other cryptocurrencies. CRYPTOCOIN INSURANCE sells both Bitcoin or Ethereum growth and fall insurance. Thus, it hedges its risk. No competition in the market allows maintaining a significant margin on the level of 20%. CRYPTOCOIN INSURANCE repackages and sells / buys its own risk as options on its own exchange.
CRYPTOCOIN INSURANCE has no competition and occupies the entire market.
Description of the problems
There is no solution to prevent a deposit from falling into Bitcoin or Ethereum.
At the same time, there is a heightened volatility in this market that causes people to be stored in large amounts of money in the cryptocurrency. On the other hand, big companies are slowly entering the market for the same reason (for example, they don't accept payments in the cryptocurrency).
There is no special crypto change where you can buy / sell options.
The main fear of such an exchange is the increased volatility. For all those who are concerned with stock options, oil or wheat, the risks seem to be great.
There is still no possibility of short selling in the cryptocurrency market.
No one can sell the cryptocurrency that is physically non-existent on the account for a short time. This reduces the ability of speculators to smooth price swings in other markets. This in turn leads to an increase in volatility and the consequences listed in paragraphs 1 and 2.
CRYPTOCOIN INSURANCE allows you to insure risks of growth or price decline for key cryptocurrencies.
The exchange begins to work with 5 cryptocurrencies that have the maximum market. As demand and revenue increase, more cryptocurrencies will also be added.
CRYPTOCOIN INSURANCE sells insurance to Bitcoin as well as to the Ether. This way, the risk is hedged. The lack of competition in the market makes it possible to keep a significant margin of 20%. CRYPTOCOIN INSURANCE packs and sells / buys its own risk as options on its own stock exchange.
CRYPTOCOIN INSURANCE creates the first crypto currency, Option Exchange.
The main fear of options in the crypto currency market is increased volatility. But is it really like that?
Consider an example with the usual stock market. For example, a customer has sold an option to a ZZZ share. Today is Saturday, and the market is closed. Good news and stocks rise at market opening on Monday 2-10 times. The seller of the options in turn carries enormous losses.
The advantage of the crypto currency market is that unlike the stock or commodities, it operates 24 hours a day. And for the entire duration of its existence (about 10 years), there was not a single message that would quickly move the price of bitcoin or etherium by at least 30-50%. In fact, if we talk only about blue chips, the crypto currency market is far safer for option sellers than other markets we are used to.
Options allow short selling.
If you don't have physical Bitcoin or Etherium, you may be given the option to drop them but actually implement uncovered sale.
This opportunity brings many new traders, investors and speculators, as well as hedge funds, into the market, investing not only in growth but also in the case of markets.
CCIN tokens are placed during the ICO. Their total number is strictly determined. All tokens that are not redeemed during placement are destroyed. They are never issued in addition. They are booked using Ethereum's Smart Contract. The set number of CCIN tokens guarantees buyers in their value increase as the exchange value increases. The tokens will be released within 30 days of the ICO.
token allocation
growth potential
CRYPTOCOIN INSURANCE has developed a simple and understandable model to increase the cost of the CCIN token. 30% received from the stock exchange flows into the liquidity fund. Within the next month, CRYPTOCOIN INSURANCE sends these funds to buy CCIN tokens from the market and burns them.
This business model is used exclusively in the interests of investors. The promise to buy tokens from future profits can not be transparent. In addition, a stock exchange or platform can never physically benefit. In the case of CRYPTOCOIN INSURANCE, investors know exactly what each buy / sell transaction generates for transactions that generates cash flow used to buy transactions.
This allows you to constantly shift the market balance and increase the demand for CCIN tokens.
If the revenue is $ 50 million per day, the commission for both sides is $ 500,000 or $ 15 million per month. 30% of this amount, or $ 5 million a month, will be sent to buy CCIN tokens from the market.
for more information visit the following link:
My profiel:;u=1856275
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Greetings to you my dear readers. I want to introduce you to a very promising project. By participating in this project you have the opportunity to earn very well.The project has no analogues and will be in great demand among investors. I put the project a solid 5 for the idea and investment potential. Dear friends, welcome to your blog! Today I will talk about a very interesting ICO project. We will discuss how eLYQD introduces the technology of the blockchain in a decentralized industry, and also talk more about the details of the ICO.
eLYQD is a marketplace platform designed to enable everyone to create an online store that will effectively utilize the most advanced e-Commerce technologies, including the ability to pay for vaping products using cryptocurrencies and eLYQD tokens. eLYQD is a fully decentralized e-Commerce marketplace where everyone can buy and sell Vaping products, as well as enjoy the significant benefits of the platform's design and technical capabilities: privacy, freedom, and much lower costs.
The goal of eLYQD is to connect e-Commerce manufacturers worldwide and provide businesses with the necessary tools to launch the one-a-akind platform to the global market with minimal transaction fees and without any financial boundaries, middlemen or annoying bureaucratic routine. We will unite manufacturers to create their own economic crypto-Commerce, which will allow to move to a new level of e-Commerce.
One of the main features of eLYQD is the use of blockchain technology, which allows to make the platform transparent, open and as secure as possible for both sides of transactions, reducing transaction and business costs and simplifying the purchase process.
eLYQD is a platform created for buyers and sellers from all over the world. With an easy to use online platform, any manufacturer can create their own store to sell their products, using the minimum fees for a wide range of platform functions. This service offers excellent opportunities for individual entrepreneurs, small producers, multinational companies, including a set of tools for direct feedback with customers, accounting, sales analysis, advertising and promotion, as well as a convenient, user-friendly interface revenue Model eLYQD is fundamentally different from the model of traditional e-Commerce platforms. Traditional e-Commerce platforms usually charge a flat fee for the sale price, sometimes in combination with a Commission. Buyers can also pay with PayPal or other payment processing solutions.
The peer-to-peer principle of interaction within eLYQD will allow all participants to interact directly. This eliminates the costs associated with the reseller. The price of the product or service will be transferred to the manufacturer in full. The final price of the product will contain only real production costs and fair profit.
The eLYQD market will increase the efficiency of all business interactions, freeing them from all intermediaries and making these interactions immediate, transparent, safe and mutually beneficial. This vision will be achieved through the creation of a decentralized ecosystem with a fast block chain and the organization of user interaction based on a peer-to-peer network. The ELYQD ecosystem will be used by mass consumers and product manufacturers from around the world.
The payments ecosystem eLYQD will be carried out in his system of crypto-tokens-LYQD compatible with ERC20. The token function will reward users for active use of the ecosystem and contribution to its development (rewards include several types of crypto-repayment, loyalty, promotions).
In the case of a dispute between buyer and seller, there is an arbitration service. We recommend sellers to choose an arbiter as it increases the level of trust for buyers as well as the probability that purchases will be made. If both parties dispute the transaction, the seller will pay the arbitrator out of funds. For buyers, arbitration is always free.
Each seller and buyer will have a reputation score derived from their behavior during each transaction. Users with low or negative reputation score can be filtered to protect other users from fraud and waste. This reputation system will encourage legitimate merchants and customers to act honestly and build a solid reputation.
Ethereum, like all cryptocurrencies, is unstable, changing in value on a daily basis against national currencies such as the dollar and the Euro. eLYQD will develop an integrated payment system that works as an ether, but is converted into a currency in a 1: 1 ratio. Finally, items can be valued in your local currency and you will know exactly how much you spend or pay. In the eLYQD ecosystem, brands, consumers, arbitrators, distributors and shippers interact directly with each other. Transactions are powered by LYQD, so they are fast, secure, and transparent. There is no need for intermediaries that exist in traditional ecosystems. eLYQD will retain all the value created by the community in the ecosystem.
Check out this project in more detail by watching this video
ICO details
The name of the token LYQD
Platform - ERC-20
The cost of token Pre-ICO - 1 LYQD = 0.0024 USD
The price of a token-ICO - 1 LYQD = 0.0024 USD
Soft Cap - 2,000,000 USD
Hard Cap - 15,000,000 USD
Website - Website
country USA
Why you should support this project:
ELYQD team, absolutely all its employees work for the benefit of the company and are always ready to help in any matter. They are always in touch and do not disappear from sight. After all, at the moment, when we talk about ICO projects, this fact is very important.
All prototypes made by the development team eLYQD is in the public domain, now you can read and try out this system.
The leaders of this project have a huge experience in doing business of this kind and eLYQD, will certainly succeed.
eLYQD participates in various crypto, blockchain forums, enter into serious contracts.
After reading this blog, you will probably have questions. Be sure to ask them in the official sources of eLYQD:
My profiel:;u=1856275
Saturday, November 3, 2018
About Blinked
Squinted is a current online networking stage for suggestions that is expanding upon the developments in blockchain innovation by coordinating a restrictive Blinked (BLKD) crypto-token that will empower clients to get paid for their proposals and for encountering advanced advertisements. It is a media stage that will convey up to 90 percent of publicizing income to clients through the Blinked decentralized internet-based life demonstrate.
Clients on most stages aren't adjusted for their honest to goodness commitments. For instance, clients give surveys on Yelp no genuine pay, yet that substance is adapted by Yelp ordinary. Clients give criticism on lodgings and eateries on Travelocity, yet aren't paid as donors even despite the fact that Travelocity adapts their commitments every day. Clients compose extensive articles on Huffington Post, however still no pay. Albeit a few clients can adapt their groups of onlookers by getting to be influencers on the web, they are not made up for the center substance that they contribute by the precise stages they utilize. Different cases of stages that adapt client commitments incorporate.
Clients on Blinked acquire Blinked Gold [BGZD] for their commitments and proposals. The greater commitment a suggestion has with different clients on the stage (likes, remarks, and so forth.), the more a client may acquire for that proposal. For instance, User A suggests another telephone charger that completely charges a cell phone in only 60 seconds. If not for User A, most clients would not have thought about it. Client An is adjusted for the suggestion by Blinked in Blinked Gold [BGZD] AND is likewise tipped by different clients in BLKD Gold [BGZD] for the accommodating proposal. (See more about Blinked BGZD advance on.]
New Crypto-Onboarding
After entering the application, clients may either login (existing clients) or join (new clients). New individuals may first enter a versatile number, trailed by an alternative to taking after different clients (family, companions in their address book, and also Blinked influencers or Publications). Subsequent to picking clients to tail, they will be given a brief and discretionary onboarding video clarifying the new Blinked stage, BLKD, and their Blinked wallet. In the wake of reviewing the instructional video, they will have the choice to set up their Blinked wallet with a Google Authenticator code. After setting up a wallet, they will have the choice.
The New Blinked Platform
The Blinked Feed
Clients may see each Blink in the Blinked Feed made by clients they take after including any companions, influencers, specialists or productions by swiping left to right in the application.
Any client may discover other new clients, Blinks, influencers or productions and select to tail them in. A flip is accessible to see pictures of all completely and a content field is accessible for more characterized look.
Client profiles are accessible by tapping the upper right corner of the application. Profile pictures and settings may be balanced. Clients may likewise see any suggestions made by them to date. Channel completely to see proposals by city or classification. Other clients' profiles are accessible by tapping their name or picture anyplace saw in the application. Squinted is executing a token issuance depicted in this white paper, the Blinked token is for use on the Blinked stage, built to fill in as the promoting and reward item itself. A sponsor, business or client buys Blinkedtoken, trades it for the execution token, Blinked Gold [BGZD], and utilization it to either (a) gain inside the stage or (b) offers it to the end-client for commitment with computerized promoting content. There is no other motivation behind the utilization of the Blinked token.
Token Economic Model
The Blinked (BLKD) token is a utility token, whose esteem originates from its utilization inside the Blinkedarrange. Squinted (BLKD) token holders incorporate clients, sponsors, brands, organizations, and a nearby decentralized deals group, and additionally the autonomously worked adjustment subsidize.
The Blinked Acrace
Clients can trade BLKD Gold [BGZD] for rewards in the Blinked Arcade. Prizes can incorporate aircraft tickets, inn rooms, items, administrations, suppers and the sky is the limit from there. The Blinked Arcade is subsidized by both Blinked and promoting accomplices. Squinted will refund client remunerates in the Blinked Arcade with reserves raised amid the ICO until the point when income is created from publicizing deals.
Julie Benlevi- Little CO-FOUNDER
Bernard Benlevi- CO-FOUNDER
Some Links:
My profiel:;u=1856275
What’s a Blink?
A Blink is a recommendation made by any user. It can be anything including a person, product, place, event, service, technology or other recommendation. Blinks made by friends appear in the Feed and may be viewed by swiping sideways. Blinks made by all users may be viewed in Discover. Any user may like or comment on a Blink made by any other user. A Blink or comment made by a bad actor may be flagged by a Blinked admin and penalized. Each Blink is created by using the Blinked icon at the bottom of most screens which uses Blinked technology to automatically pull up address, suggested images, links and other information upon entering merely the name of the Blink. Users must comment on their Blink and then submit. It takes less than a few seconds to create a Blink (and no less time than posting on other widely-used social media platforms.
New Crypto-Onboarding
Upon entering the app, users may either login (existing users) or sign up (new users). New members may first enter a mobile number, followed by an option to follow other users (family, friends in their address book, as well as Blinked influencers or Publications). After choosing users to follow, they will be presented with a brief and optional onboarding video explaining the new Blinked platform, BLKD, and their Blinked wallet. After viewing the instructional video, they will have the option to set up their Blinked wallet with a Google authenticator code. Upon setting up a wallet, they will have the option to watch one final brief video with an in-depth explanation about BLKD, as outlined in the “Token Utility” of this white paper. Once users are established within the Blinked app, they may engage
The Blinked Feed
Users may view each Blink in the Blinked Feed made by users they choose to follow including any friends, influencers, experts or publications by swiping left to right in app.
Any user may find other new users, Blinks, influencers or publications and opt to follow them in Discover. A toggle is available to view images of them all categorically and a text field is available for a more defined search.
Map/Near Me
Any user may view recommendations made by friends nearby on a map, and may select either map or list view. Filters are available to view results categorically (i.e. Food & Drink or Shopping).
User profiles are available by tapping the upper right corner of the app. Profile images and settings may be adjusted. Users may also view any recommendations made by them to date. Filter categorically to see recommendations by city or category. Other users’ profiles are available by tapping their name or
image anywhere viewed in app.
Users may “Ask” friends for a recommendation. The Ask becomes visible in the feed only. Anyone following a user may respond.
Blinked Arcade
Users may exchange Blinked Gold (BGZD). for rewards in the Blinked Arcade.
Users may view totals of their BLKD token and BLKD Gold.
Blinked is executing a token issuance and utility token sale under the
name Blinked Token
As described in this white paper, the Blinked token is for use on the Blinked platform, engineered to serve as the advertising and reward product itself. An advertiser, business or user purchases Blinked token, exchanges it for the performance token, Blinked Gold, and uses it to either earn within the platform or offers it to the end-user for engagement with digital advertising content. There is no other purpose of use of the Blinked token.
Blockchain will be incorporated in the distributed application software platform with the goal of
addressing transparency and validation issues in online display advertising and reviews. Existing nonblockchain solutions do not offer a trusted resource. The inherent transparency offered by the blockchain will address many of the concerns individuals have with solutions like Yelp and Facebook. BLKD token and BGZD are paramount for users, businesses and advertisers.
This document is intended only for the person who were contacted directly by Blinked and it is not an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. It contains information that is confidential and privileged. If you have received this document in error, please notify the sender and delete this file.
The Blinked token is a utility token, whose value comes from its use within the Blinked network. Blinked token holders include users, advertisers, brands, businesses, and a local decentralized sales team, as well as the independently operated stabilization fund.
Blinked Users acquire Blinked Gold by engaging with advertisers or other users. Blinked Gold can be converted back to Blinked token at a predetermined rate (and subsequently converted to fiat currency), spent on purchasing goods and services with the Blinked arcade, or used within Blinked network (such as challenging other users or playing games). The Blinked network incentivizes Blinked users to be more actively engaged with advertisers and other users. The users are classified into different tiers based on their levels of engagement: regular users, featured users, expert users, master users, ambassador users, and premium users.
Advertisers, brands and businesses purchase Blinked token to identify and acquire customers that use the Blinked network, and to better understand their consumer preferences. A Blinked token deposited into the Blinked network is converted into credits called Blinked Gold. These credits are usable to sell advertisements (such as impression banners or videos), acquire loyalty programs, recommendations, or any other promotions that suits their needs - without
a centralized authority dictating the terms. The Blinked token is thus a flexible tool that allows for different marketing strategies for advertisers.
Local Advertising Sales Administrators are users who acquire Blinked token on behalf of interested businesses who wish to advertise their local or national services on Blinked. LASAs must first stake their territory to reign in their city as a LASA, meaning they may own their territory. LASA positions will be allotted based on population and geographic region, and will be promotable or demotable based on LASA performance, governed purely by the Blinked platform it self. LASAs will earn commissions as any sales team would, dictated by the governance of Blinked platform itself.
This document is intended only for the person who were contacted directly by Blinked and it is not an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. It contains information that is confidential and privileged. If you have received this document in error, please notify the sender and delete this file.
The stabilization fund is digitally operated algorithmically by the Blinked platform itself to reduce the
short-term exchange rate fluctuations of Blinked token to fiat currency and to maintain the
purpose of Blinked (BLKD) token as a utility token. The stabilization fund prevents these fluctuations by
engaging clearly defined monetary rules aimed at minimizing large fluctuations in value. These rules
are intended to be neutral and transparent, in that they will not benefit any particular market
participant. While an exact mathematical algorithm is to be determined, the underlying principle
engages when the demand for Blinked token grows, the stabilization mechanism expands through small fees on Blinked system transactions. If there is a slump in demand for Blinked token due to seasonal cycles or a sudden speculative attack, the stabilization algorithm will trigger the Blinked token purchases to stimulate demand and maintain its relative price. A computerized implementation of the stabilization system increases the resilience of the system by detecting and preventing attempts to exploit the currency for illicit gain.
The interaction between network users and advertisers may result in “price discovery,” where
advertisers have an incentive to make tokens attractive to the Blinked users at the lowest price the
users are willing to accept. The give-and-take of advertisers’ supply and users’ demand provides balance to the flow of tokens in the system. As units of user rewards may have different value depending on the advertising promotion type, the value of the Blinked token can fluctuate depending on circumstances. This equilibrium price of the smart contract for a given transaction at a specific time will be a product of many things, including:
the advertiser’s budget and the reserve cost per user, the buyer’s willingness to accept rewards, how much demand there is for the advertised product or service, how many active users are in the network at a particular time. what the rewards are being used for, who is soliciting the advertisement, and the overall sentiment in the market.
This document is intended only for the person who were contacted directly by Blinked and it is not an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. It contains information that is confidential and privileged. If you have received this document in error, please notify the sender and delete this file.
The supply of Blinked token is guided by the following economic rules intended to ensure stable growth in its value. At the time of the token sale, the supply of the Blinked token is fixed to a predetermined amount of 1 billion. Any new Blinked token will not be issued unless the monetary overhang (the difference between total tokens issued and the tokens in active circulation) is exhausted. After this occurs, the supply of new Blinked token increases inelastically (i.e., in limited amount that does not exceed demand for new tokens), subject to the following caps:
Revenue cap
The growth rate of the tokens should not exceed the advertising revenue growth + x%.
Inflation cap
The growth rate of the tokens should not exceed the growth in passive BG credits (i.e., BG credits never used) + the growth of BG credits spent internally + y%. These rules ensure that the supply of Blinked token expands and allows for a moderate inflation rate that creates additional revenues without resulting in erosion of the value of the token.
My profiel:;u=1856275
Blinked - Platform of recommendations for social networks
Blinked is a platform of recommendations for social networks, managed by a group of qualified professionals, which provides users with up to 90 percent of advertising revenue. Members earn 90 percent of income, being an active advisor. Your level of earnings will be determined by how busy you are, and participants will simply share their favorite things, places, services and everything else that fascinates them. To receive rewards, participants exchange their earnings in Blinked Arc Ode.The Blinked token is designed for use on a Blinked platform designed for advertising and rewarding the product itself. An advertiser, business or user buys a Blinked token, exchanges it for a Blinked Gold (BGZD) token and uses it to (a) earn money on the platform or (b) offers it to the end user to interact with the digital advertising content. There is no other purpose of using the Blinked token.The block will be included in the distributed application software platform to address the issues of transparency and validation in online media advertising and reviews. Existing non-broker solutions do not offer a trusted resource. The inherent transparency offered by the blockbuster will solve many of the problems that people have with solutions such as Yelp and Facebook.The BLKD and BGZD tokens are of paramount importance for users, companies and advertisers.
Blinked token (BLKD) is a service token, the value of which depends on its use on the Blinked network. Blinked (BLKD) token holders include users, advertisers, brands, companies and a local decentralized sales team, as well as an independently managed stabilization fund.
Blinked users purchase Blinked Gold (BGZD) by attracting advertisers and other users. Blinked Gold (BGZD) can be converted back into a Blinked (BLKD) token at a predetermined rate (and subsequently converted to a currency), spent on purchasing goods and services in the Blinked Gallery, or used in Blinked Network (for example, challenging or playing games). The Blinked network encourages Blinked users to interact more actively with advertisers and other users. Users are classified into different levels depending on their level of involvement: Ordinary Users, Featured Users, Power Users, Primary Users, Ambassador Users and Premium Users.
Advertisers, brands and companies buy a Blinked (BLKD) token to identify and acquire customers who use the Blinked Network, and better understand their consumer preferences. Blinked (BLKD) token in Blinked Network is converted to credits called Blinked Gold (BGZD). These credits can be used to sell advertising (for example, advertising banners or videos), purchase of loyalty programs, recommendations or any other advertising actions that meet their needs, without a centralized authority dictating the conditions. Thus, Blinked (BLKD) token is a flexible tool that allows you to use different marketing strategies for advertisers.
Local ad sales administrators (LASAs) are users who purchase a Blinked (BLKD) token on behalf of interested companies who want to advertise their local or national services on Blinked. LASAs must first place their territory, which they own. LASA positions will be distributed depending on the population and geographic region, and will be promoted or demotivated based on LASA performance, managed exclusively by the Blinked platform itself. LASAs will earn commissions, like any sales team, by managing the Blinked platform itself.
** Recommendations: ** Blinked users earn Blinked Gold (BGZD) by recommending things on the platform. Users can recommend anything (people, places, products, services, technologies, events, etc.). The more likes and recommendations receive by other users, the more the recommended person earns.
View ads: Blinked users earn Blinked Gold (BGZD) by viewing additional announcements / commercials on the platform. Only users who are involved and active on the platform can participate in advertising revenue. The user can not use the platform solely to view advertising and earnings.
To get a tip: Blinked users earn Blinked Gold (BGZD) by getting tips from other users who appreciate the recommendation.
Winning Challenges : Blinked users earn Blinked Gold (BGZD) by participating in tests created by other users. A call is a contest in which the user seeks to find the best recommendation from other users.
Become a local sales administrator: Blinked users earn Blinked Gold (BGZD) by becoming a blink of Administrators (patrol) or Sales Administrators (salespeople).
My profiel:;u=1856275
Trong hình Ạ£ nh có thá »ƒ có: văn bẠ£ n
Wat is een knipperlicht?
Een knipperlicht is een aanbeveling van elke gebruiker. Het kan van alles zijn, inclusief een persoon, product, plaats, evenement, service, technologie of andere aanbeveling. Knipperingen gemaakt door vrienden worden weergegeven in de feed en kunnen worden bekeken door opzij te vegen. Knipperingen gemaakt door alle gebruikers kunnen worden bekeken in Discover. Elke gebruiker mag een Blink van een andere gebruiker leuk vinden of erop reageren. Een knipperlicht of commentaar van een slechte acteur kan worden gemarkeerd door een geblindeerde admin en kan worden bestraft. Elke knippering wordt gemaakt door het pictogram Knipperen onder aan de meeste schermen te gebruiken dat de Blinked-technologie gebruikt om automatisch het adres, de voorgestelde afbeeldingen, koppelingen en andere informatie op te halen bij het invoeren van alleen de naam van de Knipoog. Gebruikers moeten reageren op hun Blink en vervolgens verzenden. Het duurt minder dan een paar seconden om een Blink te maken (en niet minder tijd dan het posten op andere veelgebruikte social-mediaplatforms.
Nieuwe Crypto-Onboarding
Bij het betreden van de app kunnen gebruikers inloggen (bestaande gebruikers) of zich aanmelden (nieuwe gebruikers). Nieuwe leden kunnen eerst een mobiel nummer invoeren, gevolgd door een optie om andere gebruikers te volgen (familie, vrienden in hun adresboek, evenals Blinked influencers of publicaties). Nadat gebruikers zijn gekozen om te volgen, krijgen ze een korte en optionele onboarding-video te zien met uitleg over het nieuwe Blinked-platform, BLKD en hun Blinked-portemonnee. Na het bekijken van de instructievideo, hebben ze de mogelijkheid om hun Blinked-portemonnee in te stellen met een Google-verificatiecode. Bij het opzetten van een portefeuille hebben ze de mogelijkheid om een laatste korte video te bekijken met een uitgebreide uitleg over BLKD, zoals uiteengezet in de "Token Utility" van dit white paper. Zodra gebruikers zijn gevestigd in de app Blinked, kunnen ze deelnemen
HET NIEUWE GEKNELDE PLATFORM De gebruikers van de Knipperende Feed kunnen elke Blink in de Knipperende Feed van gebruikers bekijken die zij kiezen, inclusief
vrienden, influencers, experts of publicaties door in app van links naar rechts te vegen.
Elke gebruiker kan andere nieuwe gebruikers vinden, knipogen, beïnvloeders of publicaties en ervoor kiezen om ze te volgen in Discover. Er is een schakelaar beschikbaar om afbeeldingen van deze allemaal categorisch te bekijken en een tekstveld is beschikbaar voor een meer gedefinieerde zoekopdracht.
Kaart / bij mij in de buurt
Elke gebruiker kan aanbevelingen van vrienden in de buurt bekijken op een kaart en kan een kaart- of lijstweergave selecteren. Filters zijn beschikbaar om resultaten categorisch te bekijken (bijv. Eten & Drinken of Winkelen).
Gebruikersprofielen zijn beschikbaar door op de rechterbovenhoek van de app te tikken. Profielafbeeldingen en -instellingen kunnen worden aangepast. Gebruikers kunnen ook alle aanbevelingen bekijken die ze tot nu toe hebben gedaan. Filter categorisch om aanbevelingen per stad of categorie te bekijken. De profielen van andere gebruikers zijn beschikbaar door op hun naam of
afbeelding te tikken, overal bekeken in de app.
Users kunnen vrienden vragen om een aanbeveling. De Ask wordt alleen zichtbaar in de feed. Iedereen die een gebruiker volgt, reageert mogelijk.
Blinked Arcade
Gebruikers kunnen Blinked Gold (BGZD) uitwisselen. voor beloningen in de Blinked Arcade.
Gebruikers kunnen totalen van hun BLKD-token en BLKD Gold bekijken.
voert een
tokensuitgifte en gebruikstoken uit onder de naam Blinked Token.
Zoals beschreven in deze white paper, is het Blinked-token bestemd voor gebruik op het Blinked-platform, dat is ontworpen om te dienen als het advertentie- en beloningsproduct zelf. Een adverteerder, bedrijf of gebruiker koopt Knipped token, ruilt het in voor de prestatietoken, Blinked Gold, en gebruikt het om te verdienen binnen het platform of biedt het aan de eindgebruiker voor betrokkenheid bij digitale advertentie-inhoud. Het Blinked-token heeft geen ander doel.
Blockchain zal worden opgenomen in het gedistribueerde applicatiesoftwareplatform met als doel
het aanpakken van transparantie- en valideringsproblemen bij online display-advertenties en beoordelingen. Bestaande nonblockchain-oplossingen bieden geen vertrouwde bron. De inherente transparantie die de blockchain biedt, zal veel van de problemen aanpakken die mensen hebben met oplossingen zoals Yelp en Facebook. BLKD-token en BGZD zijn van het grootste belang voor gebruikers, bedrijven en adverteerders.
Dit document is alleen bedoeld voor diegene die rechtstreeks door Blinked is gecontacteerd en het is geen aanbod tot verkoop of een verzoek om digitale activa te kopen. Het bevat informatie die vertrouwelijk en bevoorrecht is. Als u dit document ten onrechte heeft ontvangen, moet u de afzender hiervan op de hoogte stellen en dit bestand verwijderen.
Het knipperende token is een utility-token waarvan de waarde wordt bepaald door het gebruik binnen het knipperende netwerk. Knipperende tokenhouders zijn gebruikers, adverteerders, merken, bedrijven en een lokaal gedecentraliseerd verkoopteam, evenals het onafhankelijk beheerde stabilisatiefonds.
Knipperende gebruikers het kopen van Blinked Gold door contact te maken met adverteerders of andere gebruikers. Blinked Gold kan worden geconverteerd naar een knipperend token tegen een vooraf bepaalde snelheid (en vervolgens worden geconverteerd naar fiat-valuta), besteed aan het kopen van goederen en services met de knippergalerij of worden gebruikt binnen een knippernetwerk (zoals andere gebruikers uitdagen of games spelen). Het Blinked-netwerk stimuleert Blinked-gebruikers om actiever betrokken te zijn bij adverteerders en andere gebruikers. De gebruikers worden ingedeeld in verschillende niveaus op basis van hun betrokkenheid: regelmatige gebruikers, aanbevolen gebruikers, ervaren gebruikers, hoofdgebruikers, ambassadeurgebruikers en premium gebruikers .
Adverteerders, merken en bedrijven koop een knipperend token om klanten die het Blinked-netwerk gebruiken te identificeren en te verkrijgen en om hun consumentenvoorkeuren beter te begrijpen. Een knipperend token dat is gestort in het Blinked-netwerk, wordt omgezet in credits genaamd Blinked Gold. Deze tegoeden kunnen worden gebruikt om advertenties te verkopen (zoals impressiebanners of video's), loyaliteitsprogramma's, aanbevelingen of andere promoties te verkrijgen die bij hun behoeften passen - zonder
een gecentraliseerde autoriteit die de voorwaarden dicteert. Het knipperende token is dus een flexibel hulpmiddel dat verschillende marketingstrategieën voor adverteerders mogelijk maakt.
Lokale advertentieverkoop-administrators zijn gebruikers die het Blinked-token aanschaffen namens geïnteresseerde bedrijven die op Blinked willen adverteren voor hun lokale of nationale services. LASA's moeten eerst hun grondgebied inzetten om als LASA in hun stad te regeren, wat betekent dat zij hun territorium mogen bezitten. LASA-posities worden toegewezen op basis van de populatie en de geografische regio, en zullen worden gepromoot of gedematerialiseerd op basis van de LASA-prestaties, die uitsluitend worden beheerd door het zelfgefilterde platform. LASA's zullen commissies verdienen zoals elk verkoopteam dat zou doen, gedicteerd door het bestuur van het Blinked-platform zelf.
TOKEN ECONOMISCH MODEL Dit document is alleen bedoeld voor diegene die direct werd benaderd door Blinked en het is geen aanbod tot verkoop of een verzoek om digitale activa te kopen. Het bevat informatie die vertrouwelijk en bevoorrecht is. Als u dit document ten onrechte heeft ontvangen, moet u de afzender hiervan op de hoogte stellen en dit bestand verwijderen. Het stabilisatiefondswordt algoritmisch digitaal beheerd door het Blinked-platform zelf om dewisselkoersschommelingen op korte termijn van het Knipped-token in de fiat-valuta te verminderen en om hetdoel van het Blinked-token (BLKD) als nutstokente behouden. Het stabilisatiefonds voorkomt deze fluctuaties doorduidelijk gedefinieerde monetaire regels aan te gaan die gericht zijn op het minimaliseren van grote waardeschommelingen. Deze regels
zijn bedoeld als neutraal en transparant, in die zin dat ze geen enkele marktdeelnemer ten goede komen
. Hoewel een exact wiskundig algoritme moet worden bepaald, wordt het onderliggende principe gebruikt
wanneer de vraag naar het Flash-token toeneemt, en het stabilisatiemechanisme wordt uitgebreid via kleine bedragen op systeemtransacties met een knipperlicht. Als de vraag naar knipperend token vanwege seizoenscycli of een plotselinge speculatieve aanval afneemt, activeert het stabilisatiealgoritme de aankopen in het Blinked token om de vraag te stimuleren en de relatieve prijs te handhaven. Een geautomatiseerde implementatie van het stabilisatiesysteem vergroot de veerkracht van het systeem door pogingen te detecteren en te voorkomen om de valuta te misbruiken voor ongeoorloofde winst.
De interactie tussen netwerkgebruikers en adverteerders kan leiden tot 'prijsdetectie', waarbij
adverteerders een prikkel hebben om tokens aantrekkelijk te maken voor de Blinked-gebruikers tegen de laagste prijs die de
gebruikers bereid zijn te accepteren. Het geven en nemen van het aanbod van adverteerders en de vraag van gebruikers biedt een balans tussen de tokensstroom in het systeem. Omdat eenheden van gebruikersbeloningen verschillende waarden kunnen hebben, afhankelijk van het type advertentiepromotie, kan de waarde van het knipperende token fluctueren afhankelijk van de omstandigheden. Deze evenwichtsprijs van het slimme contract voor een bepaalde transactie op een bepaald tijdstip zal een product zijn van vele dingen, waaronder:
het budget van de adverteerder en de reserveringskosten per gebruiker, de bereidheid van de koper om beloningen te accepteren, de vraag naar het geadverteerde product of de geadresseerde, het aantal actieve gebruikers op een bepaald moment in het netwerk. waarvoor de beloningen worden gebruikt, wie de advertentie opvraagt en wat het algemene sentiment op de markt is.
TOKEN ECONOMISCH MODEL Dit document is alleen bedoeld voor diegene die direct werd benaderd door Blinked en het is geen aanbod tot verkoop of een verzoek om digitale activa te kopen. Het bevat informatie die vertrouwelijk en bevoorrecht is. Als u dit document ten onrechte heeft ontvangen, moet u de afzender hiervan op de hoogte stellen en dit bestand verwijderen.
De levering van het Flash-token wordt gestuurd door de volgende economische regels die bedoeld zijn om een stabiele groei van de waarde te garanderen. Op het moment van de token-verkoop is de levering van het Knip-gedrukte token vastgesteld op een vooraf bepaald bedrag van 1 miljard. Elk nieuw knipperend token wordt niet uitgegeven tenzij de monetaire overhang (het verschil tussen de totale tokens die zijn uitgegeven en de tokens in actieve circulatie) is opgebruikt. Hierna neemt het aanbod van een nieuw knipperend token inelastisch toe (dat wil zeggen in een beperkt bedrag dat de vraag naar nieuwe tokens niet overschrijdt), afhankelijk van de volgende limieten:
De groeipercentage van de tokens mag de groei van de advertentieomzet niet overschrijden + X%.
Inflatie cap
De groeisnelheid van de tokens mag niet hoger zijn dan de groei in passieve BG-credits (dat wil zeggen, BG-credits nooit gebruikt) + de groei van BG-credits die intern + y% zijn uitgegeven. Deze regels zorgen ervoor dat de levering van het Flash-token toeneemt en zorgt voor een gematigde inflatie die extra inkomsten genereert zonder dat de waarde van het token verslechtert.
Website:knipperen https: //
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