Thursday, June 28, 2018

BitLumens - Paesani BLS Token di Pagare per l'energia Elettrica


La nostra missione è offrire un peer to peer di piattaforma in cui gli utenti l'adozione dei sistemi FOTOVOLTAICI per ridurre le emissioni di carbonio e di avere accesso alla luce e acqua in luoghi dove non c'è alimentazione di rete o di accesso ad acqua

Un progetto decentralizzato che ha un valore proficuo per i potenziali investitori o investitori è uno dei progetti che aumenterà rapidamente in quanto le fluttuazioni dello scambio di attività digitali hanno subito un aumento significativo all'inizio di quest'anno. La definizione di questa rete utilizza un tema piuttosto unico da altre piattaforme blockchain in tutto il mondo, ha un valore di equilibrio e un processo di investimento che ha un valore di profitto superiore al capitale richiesto nel moderno commercio di asset digitali. BitLumens è una piattaforma blockchain che introduce per la prima volta un'idea creativa unica nel mercato dell'economia economica simbolica che può iniziare a commerciare personalmente e in una piattaforma di scambio di beni digitali.

BitLumens è uno dei risultati dello sviluppo dell'industria blockchain che ha registrato buone prestazioni e grandi idee basate su un sistema che apre direttamente le opportunità per gli investitori di essere più aperti con investimenti simbolici. Essendo una delle prime piattaforme blockchain generate, questa azienda vuole realizzare e aiutare gli investitori a preoccuparsi maggiormente della debolezza economica che molti soffrono nel mondo del concetto di mutuo aiuto come un investimento che può essere scambiato dagli utenti registrati in questo piattaforma blockchain. Alcuni punti importanti della piattaforma BitLumens Sarà il punto in cui la maggior parte degli investitori registrati o potenziali investitori che avvieranno la loro attività su questa piattaforma saranno in attività.

Rispondere ai termini e alle condizioni sulla piattaforma BitLumens è una fonte di reddito che fornirà un valore equilibrato di un ecosistema reciprocamente vantaggioso tra acquirenti e venditori. In questo caso, se l'investitore è un concetto economico che ha un valore medio di opportunità superiore al reddito di un capitale di investimento, le vendite simboliche saranno distribuite più profondamente agli investitori che vogliono realizzare profitti su questa piattaforma. L'opportunità di collegarsi ai seguenti progetti è un grande sforzo nel progetto legale e sicuro del commercio e dei token del tabacco nell'industria blockchain, iniziare a operare ed eseguire un sistema di analisi equilibrato in una delle tue tattiche e idee dirette da molti investitori. BitLumens una piattaforma decentralizzata di blockchain che mira a costruire investimenti che incidano sul lato positivo della gestione del fondo che sarà investito in questa piattaforma; in altre parole, questa piattaforma è un posto per gli investitori di tutto il mondo.

BitLumens presente all'inizio dell'anno in una società di crittografia commerciale che ha determinate caratteristiche, con i numerosi e attuali mercati criptografici commerciali che dominano il mercato. società BitLumens Diventa una delle grandi aziende che hanno un grande successo in futuro. Il trading nel mondo della criptovaluta non è mai sfuggito all'aumento e al ribasso delle fluttuazioni nel valore della sua valuta e dello scambio di valute, questo è qualcosa di naturale per le aziende criptografiche commerciali, inoltre l'azienda non ha un'idea creativa che possa tenere il sistema fuori dall'investimento, ovviamente, questo è un disastro che può essere fatale con la distruzione dell'azienda. I fondi di investimento decentrati nella piattaforma blockchain per gli investitori di tutto il mondo sono una filosofia efficace offerta da questa piattaforma. Con la visione e la missione del concetto di reciproco vantaggio tra il proprietario del progetto e il proprietario del token. Con così tanti mercati nel mondo della criptoscienza quest'anno che i concorrenti di molte aziende che commerciano o commercializzano devono avere caratteristiche e creatività uniche, questo potrebbe essere uno dei punti di successo che la comunità cripto commerciale può raggiungere.


Questa azienda ha un valore commerciale che è piuttosto speciale in ogni scambio. Offrire convenienza ai potenziali investitori è una delle cose che le società di criptovaluta potrebbero classificare nel mondo, ma fornisce dettagli chiari e dettagliati e, allo stesso tempo, rappresenta una tabella di marcia che identifica se l'azienda sta realmente prestando attenzione agli investitori futuri. potenziale. Se stai cercando un mercato come luogo per negoziare le valute, questa è la soluzione che puoi prendere come una delle principali opzioni del mercato del trading crittografico basato sulla piattaforma blockchain. Viene fornito con l'ultima tecnologia di piattaforma blockchain BitLumens è uno dei mercati commerciali delle valute e lo scambio di cripto attraverso il sistema della democrazia di mercato, che ha grandi benefici per i profitti degli azionisti. Non solo BitLumens qui ha un vantaggio che può essere spiegato meglio di altri mercati come luogo per commerciare con la crittografia.

BitLumens una nuova piattaforma di trading basata su metodi di blockchain di successo che dimostrano il mercato e alterano il funzionamento dell'ecosistema finanziario. Questo sistema utilizza le sue controparti della piattaforma per essere un modo per supportare il processo di negoziazione di alcuni tipi di risorse incredibili. Inoltre, questa piattaforma utilizza anche la sua criptovaluta nota come trading Token. Gli sviluppatori sperano di creare enormi obiettivi di liquidità che mantengano le operazioni di Token a beneficio dei titolari di token. L'obiettivo di questa piattaforma è diventare leader nella trasformazione di molteplici attività finanziarie con tecnologia blockchain. Una volta deciso di aderire a questo sito di negoziazione, sono certo che con l'esperienza e le idee creative del fondatore, puoi continuare a investire e iniziare a fare scambi o scambi che ti offriranno indubbiamente grandi guadagni e vantaggi per te personalmente.

Il futuro della piattaforma BitLumens come una piattaforma di prima generazione che offre soluzioni ai problemi degli investitori che non possono essere tempestive e ogni volta che cambiano i cambiamenti nel mercato della crittografia oi soliti alti e bassi dei prezzi della crittografia rendono questa piattaforma ricercabile dai potenziali utenti Sono pronti a ricevere notifiche automatiche sui loro dispositivi mobili. il mondo senza lasciare il minimo delle sue attività. Il suo obiettivo è quello di costruire un ecosistema che concettualizzi il reciproco vantaggio tra commercianti e utenti, nonché una piattaforma che possa aiutare continuamente la stabilità del reddito. Per risolvere i problemi che la maggior parte degli investitori incontrano spesso, BitLumens arriva a risolverlo offrendo soluzioni intelligenti con una piattaforma che aiuta le prestazioni e un facile accesso ai tuoi account.

Referenze e piattaforme sociali BitLumens
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BITLUMENS - Distributing Solar Devices In Areas Without Electricity Networks And Connecting To Blockchain

Hello everyone here I will explain about bitlumens project, and here is the discussion:

BitLumens is building a decentralized block-based micro electricity network for 1.2 billion people without access to electricity and banking.

BitLumens distributes solar powered devices in areas without power grids and connects them to blockchain. Using a device, people build credit scores. Banks can access data using BitLumens own BLS token and use it to extract microcredits to those who need it most.

These devices form microgrids in places without existing infrastructure. Our innovative software collects data and sends it to blockchain. People may decide to make this data available to banks for microcredit and other financial services. Banks will gain access to more than one billion people in need of bank accounts.

Power plants
This device generates clean, zero-emission electricity and has a direct impact on people's quality of life. In the future, devices can be interconnected to form micro-power grids in places without electricity, allowing people to trade energy in their communities.

Device can be locked when users get arrears with their monthly payments. This provides the security needed to issue microcredit. On the other hand, users have full control over their data. Only those who decide who can access and use it.

To access and use BitLumens software, a BLS token is required. Tokens serve several purposes: villagers need them to pay for their solar power installments, banks need them to access BitLumens SaaS (Software as a Service), family members use tokens to send remittances.

Since most villagers do not have Internet access to pay for their Solar Home Systems digitally, BitLumens employs agents that will collect payments in cash and purchase some of the appropriate BLS tokens from the open market. The BLS will then be uniquely associated with solar powered devices.

The BLS token is an ERC20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain. It does not represent the equity in the company. Since every participant in the BitLumens ecosystem will need to buy BLS from the open market, the demand for BLS will increase as the business scale.


BLS tokens are required to access credit score data from the 1.2 billion people who do not have access to electricity and bank accounts.
Villagers use BLS token to pay for electricity.
The BLS token is used to send remittances.
Carbon mitigation is verified using IoT and will be approved at a later stage.
Anyone who needs a BLS token to access BitLumens services should buy it from the open market.

We have developed Software as a Service (SaaS) that can be accessed through the BitLumens platform. Banks, governments, utilities and other entities may use them to gain access to various data points collected by BitLumens solar devices and by our agents: KYC information, digital IDs, credit score notes, carbon mitigation, energy produced and consumed as well as location device. All personal data is owned by the user and kept secure and private until they decide to make it available.

Through the data collected, investors can visualize the location of the hardware, the amount of power generated and the credit score of the borrower, giving them full transparency over their investment and its impact in remote places.


Affordable access to safe, environmentally friendly and reliable electricity.
Access to microloans and other financial services for billions of people who do not have bank accounts.
Avoid the expensive remittance fees that are usually charged for micro-loans.
Each token represents a portfolio of microloans that is guaranteed by our hardware.
Contributing to the Purpose of Sustainable Development of the United Nations

15/01 / 2018Start the first Pilot 01/03 / 2018Untelling the Web and Mobile Apps on Beta28 / 05 / 2018Bitlumens Pre-Sale30 / 05 / 2018From BLS Pre-Sale01 / 06 / 2018Start ICO Sale28 / 06 / 2018Edition ICO Sale30 / 06 / 2018Launch app New Android01 / 07 / 2018Starting from both Pilot01 / 07 / 2018Purchases BLS begins

CEO - Founder

Veronica Garcia is investment consultant at Credit Suisse and UBS for Latin American Asset Managers. After completing his studies at ETH in Zurich, he joined the IBM Research Lab. He also works as a consultant for the World Bank, IADB and Castalia. His research focuses on renewable technologies and on the quantification of investment needs to achieve the state target for renewable power plants. In 2017 he founded BitLumens which brings solar and water power to rural areas in developing countries using the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain technology.


Daniel Heller has been associated with the Peterson Institute for International Economics since January 2017 as a visiting guest. Prior to joining the Institute, he was head of financial stability at the Swiss National Bank, head of the Secretariat of the Settlement and Payment System Committee at the Bank for International Settlements, and executive directors for Switzerland, Poland, Serbia, Azerbaijan and four Central Asian Republics at the International Monetary Fund. He received his PhD from the University of Bern and is a researcher at Stanford University. His academic publications are on the design of optimal bond auctions, central bank money requests, and collateral requirements for over-the-counter (OTC) clearing of derivatives. His current research focuses on the impact of emerging digital technologies such as blockchain in the financial sector, financial stability, and central banking.


Ali had been a consultant to cloud solutions and network security architect at Akron Telecoms. Ali has good expertise in designing, deploying, and managing cloud services to support our platform products as well as customized applications.

Frontend Developer

Yash works as Software Engineer at Onata. Expertise in utilizing front-end technology to develop high-end web applications using Angular, Bootstrap, HTML5, and React JS. Fundamental mastery of the AWS cloud computing platform, and many dimensions of scalability - including but not limited to: VPC (Private Private Cloud), EC2, Load-balancing with ELB, Cloud Formation, Cloud Watch, AWS API, and various toolkits to educate it.


Priya is a senior graphic designer working at Cygnet Infotech, has rich experience in user interface and user experience. He is a creative designer & feels a creative release when the points are connected, things become a place for better visuals.

Backend Developer

Rekha is a senior Java / J2EE developer working at Cygnet Infotech, has rich experience in developing scalable cloud ready applications. He is an analytical thinker who solves ongoing problems or defects, often called upon to consult on issues that have eluded resolution by others.

Backend Developer

Rekha is a senior Java / J2EE developer working at Cygnet Infotech, has rich experience in developing scalable ready-to-use applications. He is an analytical thinker who solves ongoing problems or defects, often called upon to consult on issues that have eluded resolution by others.

Great Data Specialist, Advisor

Dr. Ulieru is a Blockchain champion at the World Economic Forum where he advises to include it in Top 10 Emerging Technologies 2016, developed in collaboration with Scientific American. Dr. Ulieru in a distributed intelligent system creates a strong foundation for governance in Blockchain as an institutional technology for its role in revolutionizing domestic manufacturing, logistics, and security. Dr. Ulieru has been awarded "Chairman of Industrial Research in Intelligent Systems" and "Canadian Research Chair in e-Society" and holds many council appointments including the Science Council of Singapore, Canada and the European Commission and to the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum. He is a Global Leader with the Aspen Institute and President of the IMPACT Institute for the Digital Economy.

Blockchain Advisor

Dean is a visionary innovator in the development of disruptive technology and business management with over 20 years experience bringing the industry-changing approach to design and launch new dynamic technology products. He is the founder of Bloqchain Science that builds a secure decentralization system using blockchain technology for identity solutions, tokenization-of-things (ToT), on-chain / off-chain payment solutions, smart contract security and auditing. In the field of telecommunications, it has signed more than 100 interconnection agreements with carriers worldwide and manages voice traffic streaming over one billion minute votes.

Investor Relations, Counselors

Grew up in Barcelona (Spain) and studying in Business Administration in Lausanne (Switzerland). He also holds a Master's degree in Finance from Eserp Business School. Carololina has worked in wealth management for the past 7 years. Before he was at Citi Private Bank for 3 years where he won the Global Excellence Award. Carolina is a supporter of Blockchain and early crypto investors.

Carbon Credit Specialist, Advisor

Thomas is an experienced quantitative modeler and designs and conducts complicated research on the relationship between asset value and regulation. Thomas has worked with a broad portfolio of public and private clients, including multinational energy companies, multilateral organizations such as the OECD and the World Bank, governments around the world, and the European Commission.

Crypto Expert, Counselor

Ian is an entrepreneur, investor, and consultant who has business experience from around the world. As a prominent businessman, Ian is on a personal mission to develop an entrepreneurial culture, helping startups reach their full potential and help expand existing companies. A leading expert in the Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto industries, Ian is at the heart of the worldwide finance industry revolution and is currently consulting and advising multi-million dollar companies.

AI Expert, Advisor

Jim is an Assistant Professor of Finance at Johns Hopkins Carey School of Business and is thrilled in pushing the limits of financial knowledge and product development as both an academic Data scientist and FinTech. He has published pioneering research at the intersection of massive data on social media, crypto, and financial markets. He currently teaches "Big Data Machine Learning," "Advanced Hedge Fund Strategies," and "Leads Entrepreneurship and Innovation" at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. In addition, he has served as Chairman of the Johns Hopkins Innovation Factory and has received the Dean's Award for the Faculty of Excellence 2015-2017.


Herbert has become Lead Finance at Thomson Reuters Global Resources. He specializes in accounting processes, SAP implementations and audits based on IFRS. He has pioneered controls and procedures, bringing increased accountability to technology and content development and reducing overall spending while improving product features and features and reducing the time to go to market.

Business Developer, Advisor

He is a social entrepreneur with over 6 years experience developing an off-grid solar energy project. He currently serves as CEO of the Global BrightLight Foundation (GBL), an organization for mission purposes to improve lives by providing affordable solar energy solutions to people living without access to electricity in Latin America. Prior to joining GBL as CEO, Ben worked as a consultant at ICF International where he supported the United States Agency for International Development and the United States Environmental Protection Agency.


Chia has nearly 2 decades of experience in the finance industry, having performed a role in business and technology. He is an alumnus of the National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University. In addition to being the founding president of the Singapore FinTech Association, he is also a Fellow of the Singapore University of Social Science and an advisor to Startups.

Consulting engineer

As a solar engineering consultant with a focus on developing countries, Megan has a passion for bringing justice and diversity into the renewable energy sector. He has a Master's degree in Civil Engineering from Stanford University and has worked for various Bay Area solar companies, including overseeing a nationwide solar quality assurance program with Sunrun. He also actively participated in the funding, design, and installation of solar and micro hydro projects in Thailand, Burma, and Ethiopia. In 2016, Megan started Solar Stewards, LLC, serving as technical advisor for commercial and utility-scale projects in the US and the Caribbean.

For more information on the current bitlumens, please visit some important Links below:


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Bitlumens ico

I recall my childhood in Romania with the long harsh winters punctuated by frequent power outages that left us in the dark cold with my only chance to prepare for the next week final exam by reading at candle light. I became quite skilled during that time at writing my homework with gloves (and don’t get me wrong! I was writing with pen on paper… since computers did not make it even in our dreams in those days…). I recall the cold water in the shower and my hands freezing while I was washing my school clothing…
I’ve had glimpses of those childhood episodes later on, as I ended up in Canada with its harsh winter storms leaving us without power sometimes for a few days in a row… Well… at least I was well trained in coping!… :-)
A few years back, when I found myself in the office of the Power Minister of Nigeria on a consulting trip I could hardly contain my frustration in front of life’s irony grinning yet again at me when we ended up discussing his anguish concerning 80% of the country population living in the rural areas without any source of electricity, yet having “a lot of Sun”!… We brainstormed around solutions but all our plans got strangled by the impossibility to find a reasonable way to guarantee to investors that the solar panels they were about to install will be paid for… It broke my heart — and his as well (I saw tears in his eyes…) — as we parted without much hope that we could help to bring light to those who so much needed it…

Hopelessly attempting to help the Minister of Power of Nigeria in 2014
But Blockchain is restoring back the hopes through its unique fabric which memorizes every transaction and can account for every payment while enforcing actions via smart contracts, such as automatic payments when a certain amount of energy was consumed, or switching off the solar panels if payments are not honored. So when I heard Veronica Garcia speak at the World Economic Forum in Davos about her ambitions to bring light to women farmers in the developing world with her Blockchain startup Bitlumens, I had my Eureka moment!

Bitlumens enables the transition to sustainable communities
Veronica’s ultimate dream is to use the enabling properties of Blockchain technology to give identities to the 1 Billion unbanked women around the world and by this to facilitate their participation in the economy. Here’s how:
The Blockchain capability to record immutable timestamped transactions which cannot be tampered with makes it an ideal medium for recording unique IDs. Bitlumens agents collect the Know your Customer (KYC) information from each farmer, store this on the blockchain and install the solar home system. The latter is paid in monthly installments of 12–18 USD for approximately 12 months. All transactions are recorded on the blockchain and at the end of the payment period farmers receive a credit score. In Africa there are over 20m solar home systems and users have to ask for a piece of paper that certifies they had actually paid for their micro loan. This certificate is then taken to the bank and unfortunately not every bank accepts it. Using Blockchain now Bitlumens is about to automate this micro loan payment certification and also provide users with that data so they can use it towards their credit score. Bitlumens is currently negotiating with a few banks in Guatemala so they accept the credit score provided on Blockchain thus getting that piece of paper which can easily get lost, misplaced or even tampered with — out of the way, thus streamlining significantly the process.
By making their data available for the calculation of credit scores, farmers can receive Bitlumens solar panels at a discount or a microloan from a bank. With the solar power received not only can they offer the much needed light to their children to learn, but also water their plants using solar water pumps and with the money made from selling the produce they can pay for the electricity (and devices). But it does no stop here — Veronica and her techies are working on the development of sensors which unlock the devices from anywhere in the world by using BLS tokens, making remittances less costly and directing the funds to pay for electricity or water bills of a family.
Biltumens is also working on sensors which can measure the degree of pollution thus opening the possibility to reward good behavior (e.g. not using kerosene lamps) with Blockchain mediated incentives (a sort of carbon credit tokens which run on the Bitlumens Blockchain). The tokens can be used to pay back the solar panels or to buy electricity from neighbors who have a surplus — thus rendering a microeconomy in which the respective communities can thrive.

But the innovative ways by which Bitlumens is leveraging the capability of Blockchain go even further to include the most advanced research in microgrids and big data and enable the economy of things to merge with the economy of people with humongous network effects at scale. Bitlumens is in the process of deploying 100 solar panels in Guatemala. While they will continue to elevate rural communities around the World, they will go on with plans to further expand into the urban environments to help cities become “smarter” and more sustainable.
No wonder that Veronica’s project was already endorsed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on the Carbon Development Mechanism which allows emission-reduction projects in developing countries to earn certified emission reduction (CER) credits, each equivalent to one ton of CO2. These CERs can be traded and sold, helping developing nations reduce their CO2 emissions. And that’s exactly what the Bitlumens tokens do! With most of the world population living unsustainable lives — and since every effort undertaken so far only made the US SDGs look more like a hopeless dream than an achievable target, Bitlumens appears to be a true Messiah taking on some of the hardest challenges the UN is facing, among which: Affordable and Clean Energy, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Good Health and Wellbeing, Gender Equality.

Soon you will see the Bitlumens solar panels in your neighborhood — so follow us closely on Telegram ( and get your tokens timely in our upcoming presale (May 29–31) and ICO (June 1–28)events, to be ready to embark on our transformational journey!
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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

DECOIN is the better KuCoin - Decentralized Profit Sharing Cryptocurrency Exchange

As you may know, KuCoin is an ever growing exchange with many coins to offer. The ICO price of KCS, which are KuCoin's official currency that pays users dividends based on how much profits KuCoin makes, was worth only $0.30 during ICO. KCS reached over $20 last January. That would have brought over a 6700% return on investment in a matter of months. Not to mention the extra profits from holding KCS when the exchange went live and the trade volume increased.
Definite problems with a centralized exchange

There are reported problems about KuCoin everyday on Reddit, Twitter, etc. Some of these problems may just be fud because people want the price of KCS lowered. However, many of these problems stem from a centralized platform. For instance, many people have reported that they haven't received many dividends from holding KCS as they're suppose to. Others claim that the withdraw fees change or are way too high.

I would like to point out how similar these names sounds. Instead of Ku, it's DE in front of the words coin. DECOIN aims to be a decentralized exchange that pays returns the profit of the exchange to DECOIN (DTEP) holders. It works along the lines of KuCoin, except they're aim is to be decentralized. Through blockchain technology, DECOIN will maintain maximum transparency, the highest security, and 24/7 support from experts.
The benefits of DECOIN
Profit Sharing

Profit sharing is the most appealing benefit of DECOIN. KuCoin's profit sharing plan instantly grew their platform at an astonishing rate. Other exchanges, such as, Binance, Okex, etc. don't share the profit, but offer incentives such as discounted trading or other perks. Through the fees charged on the platform, DECOIN returns those profits to DTEP holders. 60% of the profits that the platform makes will be redistributed back to DTEP holders.

There are more benefits for DTEP holders as well. All holders of DECOIN will achieve a 6.2% rate of growth each year for staking the coins in their online DECOIN wallet. Also, DTEP holders will receive 40% off trading fees for using DTEP as payment.
Security and Insurance

One of the most terrifying things that can happen through cryptocurrency exchanges are stolen and lost funds. DECOIN stores 97% of the user's funds offline, while the other 3% of the funds are insured and safeguarded against theft or other possible problems. This is a great relief when it comes to trading.
Seamless trading experience

Back during January, KuCoin experienced the largest volume amount of trading on their platform. Trading stopped for many users because it was too slow to log in or many users couldn't log in for hours at a time. Even when users did log in, they couldn't place buy and sell orders because of the servers being too slow and unprepared for this kind of traffic. DECOIN's Exchange (D-TEP) allows for order processing of up to 1 million matches / second. Meaning, there will be no delays and a seamless trading experience. The fear of possibly not being able to log in or place orders before the pump will be eliminated.
24/7 Support by Experts

For new and experienced traders, a strong support team is necessary to ensure the exchange runs smoothly. I can't remember how many times the online KuCoin support team never responded to my messages. Each of DECOIN’s analysts has no less than 10 years of experience in the financial market, and no less than 5 years in the digital asset economy field. This isn't normal for most exchanges. However, DECOIN aims to provide the best social experience for every trader, as well as the best trading experience. There will also be 24/7 online support by trained professionals for any other assistance.
D-TEP Exchange Credit Card

If you'd like to spend your profits from trading on most exchanges, you'll most likely have to convert your profits to Bitcoin, Withdraw them to an exchange, and then exchange that Bitcoin to fiat. This can take days and even weeks before you're able to spend your profits. DECOIN aims to allow every DECOIN to enjoy and access the profits he receives, regardless of whether he traded himself or had been awarded his share of DECOIN profits.
Card holders will also have access to rebates and other cost savings in selected stores, entertainment venues and other consumer facing stores. There are 5 different types of credit cards with different advantages depending on the user's investment in the exchange.
Incentivised Social Trading

Imagine if you're one of the top traders on an exchange that is constantly researching the market. On many exchanges, you'll go unrewarded except for your own profits. Top traders will have the chance to display their activities and will be will receive DECOINS in returns for their skill.
DECOIN's Exchange Fees

With each trade, a 0.25% fee is charged. If the trader uses DTEP, the trading fees are only 0.15%. The withdraw fees can be insanely high and can ruin a new trader's experience. DECOIN's Exchange withdraw fees will only be a maximum of 0.03% per withdraw. Other fees and revenue generation will come from the exchange's new features, such as automated algorithm buy/sell orders, and more.
The First Tradable Coins on DECOIN's Exchange

Many exchanges don't have all of the top coins ready to trade on the exchange. DECOIN's exchange will have DTEP, BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, BASH, LTC, NEO, ADA, and XLM from the beginning. These coins will enable fast growth during the launch of the exchange. DECOIN also plans to add fiat-to-crypto trading.
Circulating Supply and Total Supply

-140m Total Supply
-70m Circulating Supply
-70m coins will be allocated and used to guarantee the 6.2% annual return promised to DECOIN holders through the Staking of the coins on their online DECOIN wallet

To compare this supply to other coins, KuCoin (KCS) has about a total supply of 180m and a 75m circulating supply. For KCS to reach over $20, you can safely expect the same and much more for DTEP's demand. Binance (BNB) has a total supply of 194m and a circulating supply of 114m.

If I would have known about KuCoin and the idea of profit sharing, I would have jumped on it. The cryptocurrency exchange market is booming and there's still a ton of demand. The history of exchanges proves it. However, many exchanges with their own currency, such as BNB, KCS, etc. run short on value compared to DECOIN. Considering the D-TEP Exchange is planned to launch in Q3, huge returns can be expected. KuCoin's exchange launched in December, when the market really started to breakout. The market is already showing signs of a bullish trend and DECOIN will be the better KuCoin.

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DECOIN: Platform Pertukaran Bagi Hasil blockchain pertama

Perkembangan cryptocurrency semakin populer di dunia, membawa banyak perubahan yang lebih baik pada kehidupan banyak orang termasuk saya sendiri. Pasar kapitalis yang berkembang pesat adalah bukti keberadaan cryptocurrency di dunia. Setiap hari banyak proyek muncul dengan berbagai sektor industri yang terintegrasi dengan teknologi blockchain. Namun, ini tidak berarti bahwa cryptocurrency tidak memiliki risiko. Tetap waspada dalam mendefinisikan perusahaan yang benar-benar terpercaya, ide yang bagus, dan benar-benar solid dari bawah.
Orang yang berinvestasi dalam koin atau proyek menjadi biasa-biasa saja, tentu saja, dengan keamanan dan teknologi transparannya yang telah terbukti, banyak manfaat yang dirasakan dan bernilai tinggi, dan potensi keuntungan tinggi dari cryptocurrency membawa ketenaran dan kepercayaan diri terhadap mata uang digital (cryptocurrency).

Hal-hal di atas benar-benar terjadi dengan banyak orang yang berpartisipasi dalam komunitas cryptocurrency dari seluruh dunia. Perkembangan pesat dan banyaknya pengguna cryptocurrency Namun masalah utamanya adalah penggunaannya masih tidak diperbolehkan di banyak negara.
Dari penjelasan di atas, saya ingin memperkenalkan proyek DECOIN dengan platform kompleks yang akan dapat membawa penggunaan cryptocurrency dalam kehidupan dunia nyata digabungkan menjadi satu sumber daya tunggal. Ini benar-benar luar biasa mengingat perdebatan panjang terkait hal ini. DECOIN adalah sumber terbuka untuk mengintip ekosistem digital yang
mencakup mata uang digital miliknya sendiri, DECOIN (DTEP),
didukung oleh platform Exchange & Trading (D-TEP) yang
mendistribusikan kembali keuntungan kepada pemegang DECOIN. Menggabungkan Bukti Pasak
(POS) Protokol Blockchain, Transparansi, Keamanan tingkat atas, dan
dukungan langsung 24x7 , DECOIN sedang mengembangkan platform generasi berikutnya untuk
dunia terdesentralisasi.
Pasar mata uang digital telah tiba. Ratusan perusahaan telah
menciptakan mata uang digital mereka sendiri dan pada Februari 2018,
Venezuela meluncurkan cryptocurrency buatan negara pertama.
Setiap tahun sejak 2013 telah mengalami pertumbuhan luar biasa dalam
mata uang digital dan penciptaan nilai bagi mereka yang berinvestasi di dalamnya.
• Pada tahun 2013 Mastercoin (sekarang disebut Omnilayer) menjadi
proyek ICO pertama, menghasilkan $ 500K
• Pada tahun 2014, Cryptocurrency baru dan kerangka kerja, Ethereum,
diciptakan. Kerangka kerja baru ini memungkinkan orang lain untuk dengan mudah dan cepat
menyebarkan Cryptocurrency baru
• 2016 melihat 45 ICO yang menghasilkan lebih dari $ 95M
• Pada tahun 2017, 211 ICO naik $ 3,8 Miliar (Coinschedule).
Bitcoin adalah berita global terbesar kedua di tahun 2017 (
pencarian Google )
• Hingga saat ini, 2018 telah melihat 42 ICO's, dengan ratusan dalam pipa dan
diharapkan untuk berdagang dalam beberapa bulan.
Mata uang digital di sini untuk tinggal. DECOIN sedang mengembangkan
platform perdagangan generasi berikutnya yang akan memungkinkan likuiditas dan menghasilkan
uang bagi investor dan perusahaan yang diperdagangkan di platform kami.

● 38% dari hasil akan digunakan untuk membangun platform D-TEP, biaya lisensi, R & D,
Peningkatan, Perbaikan.
● 25% Akan digunakan untuk kelancaran operasi kami, termasuk penjualan &
perekrutan tim kepatuhan, pelatihan
● 20% Akan digunakan untuk branding dan pemasaran D-TEP, termasuk
promosi dan pendidikan berkelanjutan dari platform D-TEP dan DECOIN, inovasi, anggaran untuk
berbagai kegiatan iklan.
● 17% akan disimpan di Liquidity Pool untuk melayani saat-saat situasi tak terduga
yang mungkin muncul.

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat Anda temukan di tautan ini:






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DECOIN : FIRST blockchain Profit Sharing Exchange platform for Future


DECOIN is an open source peer to peer digital ecosystem that encompasses its own proprietary digital currency, the DECOIN (DTEP),powered by an Exchange & Trading platform (D-TEP) that redistributes profits to DECOIN holders. Combining a Proof Of Stake (POS) Blockchain protocol,Transparency, Top level Security and 24x7 live support, DECOIN is developing the next generation platform for the decentralized world.

DECOIN is developing the next generation trading platform that will enable liquidity and generate money for both investors and companies traded on our platform.DECOIN is an international company. With experienced management team and team of the industries leading professionals on our advisory team.


Being as “DE COIN of DE People” building a platform that will be able to provide its partners and users with a friction less fast, secure and inexpensive trading experience that makes trading enjoyable and peaceful. Add a close support team with that and mix it with social trading, then just sparkle it with some profit sharing and you have a Winning Combo.

DECOIN aims to build a world-renowned, quick-action easy & simple multicurrency-exchange and trading platform, which shares the exchange’s profits with all of its coin holders.More than that, DECOIN’s top notch security level promises it’s users a calm, relaxing and reliable experience to assure accomplished transactions.There is no doubt that an exchange sharing its own profits with its contributors will lead the world to new boundaries!Rest assured, we will cross these boundaries as well.
If you admire social trading, you can follow the trading activities of our top traders
Our platform is completely regulated fully secured and transparent.


Secure - following financial industry standards, D-TEP protects all sensitive data stored on its platform. Multi layered real time authentication encompasses our trading platform, protecting trades and withdrawals from the exchange, while providing maximum security to our user base

Scalable - capable of executing up to 1 million match's per second, making D-TEP one of the fastest and most scalable
exchanges in the market today, able to handle the large volumes of trading expected.

Quick – D-TEP uses innovative technology that enables us to execute buy/sell orders swiftly - without the lag that characterizes many of the exchanges active today.

Social Trading – leading traders on D-TEP who are interested and consenting will receive DECOINS to have their activities tracked
and displayed anonymously, allowing other traders to learn from their knowledge and experience.

Trading Tools – D-TEP also plans on offering financial tools such as contract for difference(CFDs), allowing traders to take advantage of prices moving up or prices moving down on underlying financial instruments. DECOINS team of analysts will provide periodic reports on market trends / new ICO’s and digital coins that are in the spotlight


DECOIN is an open source peer to peer digital ecosystem based on Blockchain technology, that encompasses its ownproprietary digital currency, the DECOIN

DECOIN is powered by D-TEP, a trading platform that redistributes profit gained from fee charged on the platform,
back to its holders.

GUARANTEES A 6.2% ANNUAL RETURN TO ALL STAKEHOLDERS - The annual yield is an integral part of the technology we’ve built into the coin. Our technology was developed so that the number of DECOINs created will be a fixed number. With the help of our Proof-Of-Stake consensus
algorithm we can achieve those benefits.

140 million coins @ MAXIMUM CAPACITY.

70 million of these coins will be distributed.

70 million coins will be allocated and used to guarantee the 6.2% annual return promised to DECOIN holders
through the Staking of the coins on their online DECOIN wallet D-TEP will allow the exchange of the DECOIN currency to other
forms of digital assets. We also plan on allowing Crypto-To-Fiat trading in the future as well
All holders of the DECOIN currency automatically receive trading discounts on D-TEP.



● 38% Of proceeds will be used to build the D-TEP platform, Licensing fees, R&D, Upgrades, Fixes.
● 25% Will be used for the smooth running of our operation, including sales & compliance team recruiting, training
● 20% Will be used for D-TEP branding and marketing, including continuous promotion and education of D-TEP platform and DECOIN, innovations, budget for various advertisement activities.
● 17% will be kept in the Liquidity Pool to serve for times of unexpected situation that might come up.


A core concept of the DECOIN is our sharing economy.We have undertaken to redistribute back to our coin holders up to 60% of our profits on our exchange.
We offer four different types of yield:

1) Profit Sharing – a percentage of the profit sharing generated on D-TEP. DECOIN will distribute up to 60% of its profits on D-TEP, as follows:
- 1st year of activity Up to 40%
- 2nd year of activity Up to 50%
- 3rd year of activity Up to 60%

The profits will be distributed pro rata between holder of DECOIN’s in direct relation to their holdings
2) Proof Of Stake (POS) – All holders of DECOIN will achieve a 6.2% rate of growth Per Annum for staking the coins in their online DECOIN wallet
3) Discounted Trading Fee’s - for all holders of the DECOIN 40% discounted fee if you have DECOIN coins and you want to use them as the fee payment method (0.15% fee instead of 0.25%)
4) Value Creation - Potential increase in DECOIN value following the embracement of DECOIN’s one-of-a-kind Ecosystem.

For more information click the link below :







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Monday, June 25, 2018

MAESTRO - Revolutionizing the Digital Music World

Hello everybody, taking music to a decentralised world sounds good right? Today i am going to introduce you Maestro Project, one of the best so far that combine music industry with blockchain technology.

Maestro project is trying to break down monopolies in music market. Other competitors take unreasonable profit for being intermediary and we are certain that Maestro can replace them.

Main goal of Maestro project is connecting the artists and listeners directly to reduce the middlemen. Plus music lovers can support their favorite musicians by funding their project!. So that the profits returned to artists and investors will be more fairly distributed.

Main focus point of Maestro Project & K-Pop

While Maestro will primarily focus on K-Pop as a distinguishing factor from other streaming platforms (Maestro team being based in Singapore and South Korea has its merits!), Maestro platform itself will also support other genres of music outside K-Pop.

If you look at Maestro team of advisers, you will notice Shinsadong Tiger, a major producer in the K-Pop genre. Yet Maestro also wish to focus on what is traditionally called "indie music," as they are collaborating with talented Korean indie producers as well, such as Heejung Han from Pastel Music, Hwang Hyun from Monotree, and Jung Hohyun from sound. Of course, as aforementioned, Maestro will provide our services outside those two genres.
What are the soft cap and hard cap of Maestro ICO?

As the project is already underway with funding, Maestro has no soft cap. The hard cap for the ICO is 62,000 ETH. (620,000,000 MAE)

Maestro project can be proceed and streaming platform can be completed with 0.5 million USD. However, Maestro team wants to purchase music copyrights to accelerate Maestro platform at early stage. Plus they have to coordinate with large corporations for music streaming rights. If hardcap is not reached, they will start with minor underground musicians.

Maestro Token & Crowdsale:

The Maestro Token (MAE) is a utility token and base currency of Maestro platform. It is an Ethereum based token that can be stored in any electronic wallet supporting ERC20 tokens. MAEs will be the main payment method for the streaming service. Also investment profits are going to be distributed in Maestro Tokens.

⇒ Ticker symbol: MAE

⇒ Token standard: ERC20

⇒ Total supply: 1,000,000,000 MAEs

⇒ Tokens for sale: 620,000,000 MAEs

⇒ Soft Cap: There is no softcap

⇒ Hard Cap (including pre-sale): 62,000 ETH

⇒ Price ICO: 1 ETH = 10,000 MAE

⇒ Private sale start: 16 June, 2018

⇒ ICO 1st stage start: 07 July, 2018

⇒ ICO 2nd stage start: 28 July, 2018
Distribution of MAE Tokens:

62% of total supply will be on sale for crowd sale participants. Rest 38% will be distributed as below:
22% of the tokens will be used for the purpose of Maestro streaming service operation and management.
13% of total supply is reserved for Maestro Team. All of these tokens will be locked for 1 year
3% of tokens will be distributed to bounty participants and reserved for social media marketing purposes.

More information, please visit links below :










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Saturday, June 23, 2018

Expercoin The protocol for launching your own market is supported AL instantly

Expercoin is a product of the Harvard Innovation Lab. It defends the goal of creating a platform that will allow its users to launch their own markets and training communities that are decentralized and equipped with artificial intelligence. Markets are designated as republics. Publications are built on the interface and protocol level, which makes them flexible and autonomous.

Goals Expercoin
The platform aims to allow everyone to create specialized communities in which markets for training, evaluation, job opportunities and even mentoring programs will be created.

Experkoin was created in an effort to address some of the major problems facing a traditional work-related education system that includes high unemployment and underemployment, the absence of people with critical skills and a constant requirement for further training due to a change in the nature of the work. To solve these problems, the republics will be used. The Republic can be launched by anyone and immediately begin to receive income. They consist of six pillars

Market research - courses offered here are offered. Interactive games can also be listed to help explore the experience in this field of knowledge.
In the labor market - workers can place opportunities for internships, apprenticeship, short-term and long-term jobs or contracts in the field of specialization of the republics.
Mentoring in the market. Students or corporate employees can hire mentors to assist them in technical and non-technical topics.
Evaluation platform. Employers can use this platform to help them in the recruitment process, by selecting candidates. They can also use the platform to verify credentials and certificates.
Corporate Academy. This interface allows companies to understand the level of participation in the courses and the level of completion of their employees. Companies can also purchase training materials and subscriptions for their employees.
The market of financial assistance. Students can request assistance in learning on this platform. Then the lender will pay on behalf of the student to the creator of the content.

Accepted Security Key
The current utility platform will be known as Expercoin. It will work on the block chain Ethereum with the standard ERC-223. It will be ideal for all transactions in the republics and interactions with other digital services within the ecosystem or outside it. Transactions and storage of coins through wallets, which are easy to use.

Why invest in Expercoin?
With blockchain technology, it excludes intermediaries from a transaction that prevents fraudulent transactions with individuals and transactions.
Transactions will use the process of voting with a request for a deposit, in which anyone who sells on the platform will have to make tabs of Expercoin. Once the transaction is confirmed as genuine, the tokens will be returned.

The platform is decentralized, which means that no one person or group of people controls the platform. Owners of tokens can vote on issues related to future projects or the launching of republics.

Platform users can use tokens as incentives to facilitate participation in their republics.

Cross-border payments
This token will provide users with an automatic payment mechanism that will be quick and not costly compared to other payment methods. The transaction fees will also be lower.

Financial aid
Through the system of crediting peer-to-peer partners, people from disadvantaged families can receive education.

Use of Funds


$ 26.5 million


$ 0,020 per token EXPR


$ 0,025 per token EXPR

The above price reflects a 20% discount to presale investors over ICO prices.

Total Experimental Amounts Generated: 2.75 billion

45% allocation for buyers (presale and crowd sales)

20% allocation for company with 12 months lock-up and vesting 24 months.

10% allocation for backup with 12 month lockup and vesting 36 months.

20% allocation for incentive pools to support gifts, strategic partnerships, and bootstrap networks

5% allocation for mentors with 12 months lockout and other restrictions.

Founder of Expercoin Dr. Harpreet Singh Gives Talks about Blockchain at FORBES Conference in Las Vegas


make it your chance to succeed and join in token sales, we will serve it properly, maybe you are less clear you visit our official website, you can also find out the latest news in social media.


Kertas putih:


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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Fixy Network ICO

Fixy Network ICO
Fixy Network memungkinkan orang untuk menggunakan cryptocurrency dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka. Jaringan akan mencakup pasar yang terdesentralisasi dan pertukaran yang terdesentralisasi. Mendapatkan ke pasar cryptocurrency tidak pernah menjadi proses yang mudah dari penggemar cryptocurrency baru, tetapi dengan Kartu Hadiah Fixy, yang akan tersedia di setiap sudut toko dan akan dijual di FIAT. Seluruh jaringan Fixy dirancang untuk memfasilitasi kemudahan masuk ke dunia cryptocurrency dan juga memiliki fitur yang akan memungkinkan aplikasi cryptocurrency efisien untuk kehidupan sehari-hari.

Fixy Network membawa cryptocurrency populer dan pengecer sebagai mitra dengan manfaat Blockchain. Toko Mitra menerima:
Uang Bitcoin

Mitra Jaringan Fixy adalah pedagang yang menjual kartu hadiah dan anggota Jaringan Fixy. Keanggotaan dan biaya iklannya dibayar dengan Token Fixy.

Manfaat dari aplikasi Fixy

Aplikasi Fixy menyediakan cara pintas untuk penggemar mata uang kripto pemula yang ingin memasuki dunia cryptocurrency dengan membantu investor memonetisasi cryptocurrency mereka. Fixy App memungkinkan perusahaan dan ICO untuk menjangkau lebih banyak pelanggan, menjual lebih banyak merek dan dibayar dalam cryptocurrency dan Fiat. Aplikasi Fixy memiliki pasar peer-to-peer terdesentralisasi dan pertukaran OTC terdesentralisasi. Fixy akan menawarkan kartu hadiah yang akan tersedia di setiap toko Fixy Network. Pengguna dapat mengakses fitur seperti OTC trading untuk Cryptocurrency, Gold and Silver inApps. Pencari toko di aplikasi Fixy juga mempermudah pengguna untuk menemukan toko Fixy yang paling dekat dengan mereka.


Meskipun berbagai cryptocurrency diperdagangkan di platform Fixy, token fixy menjadi
berfungsi sebagai mata uang platform terpisah. Mitra yang ingin menjadi bagian dari jaringan membayar untuk itu token Fixy. Selain itu, token Fixy digunakan untuk membeli ruang iklan di platform dan dapat digunakan untuk pembelian. Untuk mencegah inflasi dan mempertahankan peningkatan nilai yang stabil, token Fixy memiliki jumlah tetap sebesar 100.000.000 FXY


Aplikasi yang diperbaiki bukan hanya tentang bisnis yang serius. Ini juga membawa kesenangan dan permainan ke dalam campuran. Akan ada beberapa game di aplikasi yang akan melibatkan pengguna. Permainan bervariasi dalam kontes di mana pengguna dapat berpartisipasi dan memenangkan hadiah. Ini akan membantu menciptakan komunitas yang sehat dalam aplikasi.

ICO akan dimulai segera setelah investor membuat keputusan besar tentang penyelesaian investasi. Bonus akan dibagi menjadi tiga bagian (40% untuk pembelian sebelum ICO, 20% untuk ICO tahap pertama dan 0% untuk tahap kedua ICO). Pastikan untuk menjadi pengguna awal dan nikmati bonusnya. Anda dapat mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang penjualan di situs. Semua kartu yang tidak terjual akan dibakar di bawah kontrak yang wajar.

Fixy baru saja dimulai dan akan berada di sini untuk terus memecahkan masalah kita ketika kita menghadapi persaingan yang ketat. Google, Facebook, Bank, dan lainnya tidak dapat menghentikan kriptografi, keyakinan, keyakinan, dan keyakinan dari penggemar yang kritis akan membuat mereka tetap aktif. Kami akan menyimpannya selamanya. Bergabunglah dengan proyek di sini dan bersama-sama membuat keputusan revolusioner pada platform dan aplikasi yang indah. Fixy telah datang ke semua orang, jadi bergabunglah.





Ann/ thread:

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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Discussion On The Business Model Of Strike Coin By Dimensions Network (Hybrid Trading Platform)

Dimensions Network is a hybrid trading platform i.e. a platform for cryptocurrency coins and also a support system for standard crypto pairs, options and future contracts with so many other derivative with respect to the company involved.A very set of people will be holding a core position in the platform development, and these are the Strike Coin (STC) token holders in which they have a benefit of receiving a 15% of fees generated from trading in the Ethereum address. In addition to this benefit, token holders will equally receive an equivalent share of the new tokens generated for a real-time currency.

Dimensions network infiltrates the cryptocurrency ecosystem in such a way that it is business-oriented and operative in nature. The target focus for the development of this platform is to make researches and several innovations which is quite helpful in giving reasonable results where real world problems are being solved and standard market level is being attained.

The Dimensions Network Platform has a business plan which are divided into three (3) categories. These categories include; Centralized Trading, Decentralized Trading and Real-Time Currency.
Centralized Trading (a rapid revenue generation): This system helps to build a scalable high performance trading concept for derivatives such as coin pairs, options contracts, future contracts, shortings, margin. There is a delivery of significant financial returns which is directed by a growth in hedging and leverage and also has a part to play in the funding future developments. Institutional clientsuch as a multi-exchange liquidity aggregator will be drawn to using this platform.Banking licenses will be pursued in multiple jurisdictions to guarantee users the ability to deposit and withdraw FIAT.
Decentralized Trading (Security and Transparency): For the replication of the platform, a decentralized network will be utilized which will ensure an unrestricted, open, fully transparent trading and free from centralization risks. A direct linking between a decentralized network and an existing centralized network ensures an existence of an initial liquidity on this decentralized network. Both platforms are complementary to one another and allows an opportunity for the creation of decentralized technologies and protocols for future development. Risk profiles and desires can be met when users interact on this platform e.g. users may want instant transactions in which a centralized platform may be employed while users that want a cryptographically guaranteed security may employ a decentralized platform. The higher the performance of a decentralized network, the higher the possibility of a full migration of users to a decentralized platform.
Real-Time Currency: The third objective is to provide a real transactional currency which exists for the exploitation of a customer’s base to gain traction in key markets.

There seems to be numerous projects which are being done to ensure an improvement in the decentralization of trading exchanges and in the building of a second layer scaling solution in which issues such as trading speed and blockchain capacity can be treated. The latest project at hand is the building of a decentralized Hedge Fund in the form of a Melonport.

Lastly, the link between a decentralized exchange and a centralized exchange will form a type of relationship leading to the creation of a hybrid platform that allows users to interact with their preferential platforms. The performance of the decentralized platform will continue to upgrade as newer technologies keep coming into existence. It therefore becomes impossible to know the blockchain, protocol or project that will be first in implementing a network that is capable of handling both the volume and speed of trades as compared to a centralized exchange, thus, an adaptation to a new ecosystem in which interface with a variety of new systems.

Features and Derivatives of the Dimensions Network.

Options : An option is referred as an open contract which gives enough privilege to the buyer i.e. a right, but not an obligation to buy or sell an asset (underlying) or instrument option involved. The spot price or market price of the underlying commodity is the yardstick for the stake price on the day an option is being taken out or sometimes fixed at a discount in premium. An obligation has been met by the seller in order to conclude the transaction i.e. to buy or sell in case the buyer exercises the option. There are 2 types of option;
Call option : gives the owner the right to buy at a specific price for a specific duration.
Put option : gives the owner the right to sell at a specific price for a specific duration.

Options are known to be used for the following;
Leverage : Without buying an underlying asset, options help you profit from changes in price.
Hedging : In case of price fluctuations, options can let you protect yourself by giving you the option of either buying or selling the asset at a pre-determined price for a specified period of time.
Future Contracts : This is a type of agreement between two (2) parties i.e. the buyer and the seller in which the buyer agrees to purchase from the seller at a fixed cryptocurrency amount at a specific time in the future for a nearly pre-determined price. When transaction takes place, these terms are being agreed upon mutually by both parties. Future contracts are usually standardized because of expiry dates and contract sizes in which a free trade can be met on exchange. There is also a case of anonymity in which the buyer does not the seller and likewise, the seller does not know the buyer. There are different from options in that an obligation must be met when transaction is being executed at an appropriate time. Future contracts come with its advantages such as;
Risk to speculators can be shifted by hedgers.
Traders are imbibed with an efficient idea of whatever the outcome of future price of cryptocurrencies might be.
There is an indication of future supply and demand dynamics attached.
Due to margin trading, few number of speculators are allowed to trade and participate in the future markets in a small margin is being paid rather than an entire value of physical holdings.

Strike Coin (STC) Token and Token Sale

Dimensions network issues a type of token which carries out a several number of functions; this token is the Strike Coin (STC) token. The reward for being a token holder includes a share of the token generated. The initial sale of the STC token which is also called the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) are a standard system practiced within the cryptocurrency industry in which tokens are offered with respect to funding made by early contributors. Ultimately, the funds obtained/generated through this token sale are used to develop Dimensions Network Platform for future purpose.

Reason for Token Sale

The most important benefits of a token sale in this platform include;
People from all spheres of life are allowed to join a business which is it at its early stage to benefit profits from the business, hence, the success of the business. In contrast to this is the Venture Capital where all approved wealthy investors get the benefit of joining at the early stage of the business.
It is very easy to be referred as a stakeholder if one is a token holder.
It is important to know that Initial coin offering sales starts from 24th January, 2018 and ends 24th February, 2018.

Token Details

Name--------------------- Strike Coin

Symbol-------------------- STC

Type----------------------- ERC20

Decimal Places for smallest unit------------18 places

Issuance Price--------------------------- 1ETH=800 STC

Target to Raise-------------------------- 150,000 ETH

Currencies accepted--------------------- ETH

Maximum Possible Issuance---------------- 240,000,000

Restricted Countries--------------------------- China, Singapore, USA.

The countries restricted are due to devices in the IP address in which limits access i.e. IP blocking to token sale in such country. In these countries, e.g. USA, one would not be allowed to purchase STC tokens in the Dimensions Network Initial token sale.

Token Distribution

Token Sale-------------- 60%

Business Partnerships & Advisors----------- 20%

Founders--------------------- 10%

Employee Incentives------------- 10%

Token Trading

Tokens are automatically distributed to the Ethereum Sending Address in which the tokens will be locked up for about 3 weeks after token sale completion in which they become tradable afterwards.

Initial plan for listing include;

Token Rewards

As aforementioned, a 15% share of the tokens generated will be given as a reward for a token holder. These rewards were once distributed every 3 months as Ethereum tokens to holders with the date of reward issued but recently, plans to move rewards to be given monthly, weekly and daily are being made. One thing to note in the former is that: as the duration between issuance of reward decreases, the volume of reward increases, hence, a need for a new plan to manage the duration of issuance of reward.

To ensure transparency in the receiving of rewards, stakeholders are advised to keep their tokens in a type of wallet i.e. MyEtherWallet or hold them in the platform wallet. The Dimensions Network is trying to implement a cryptographic proof of reserve systems and trading volumes, hence, ensuring transparency which is a vital component to the system.

Reason for 15%

The system is rewarding is both simple and fair. Rewards that are obtained based on profit seems like a nice catch but profit is just a complicated “dance” between costs, revenue and taxation and are manipulated easily by accounting professionals. It is known that large companies commonly use complex structures to give the appearance of little or no tax jurisdiction but only to shift profits to a friendlier tax jurisdiction while smaller companies makes sure they are incentivized equally thereby reducing tax exposure, thus, decreasing the profits reported. This method used by smaller companies can be achieved in a number of ways which involves the reported profit not giving a true reflection of the underlying business strength.

Therefore, the 15% reward for stakeholders help to strike a balance between rewarding token holders and ensuring profitability in business. Studies from Forbes in 2016 showed that report on corporate profitability has 11 out of 20 largest companies have greater than 15% profitability in which to ensure continuity in profitability and a competitive cost of operation, a realistic reward percentage should be proposed.

Building a Real-Time Cryptocurrencies

Recently, a large number of companies today are trying to change the position of blockchain technology towards where it could be easily used as a real-time currency used by billions of people daily. There is a compelling value proposition in which the use case and network effect gives the blockchain an incredible financial value. The following below are various platforms with respect to their strengths and weaknesses.

• Strength: There is existing commercial partnerships and users.
• Weakness: It establishes a blockchain which is difficult to implement.
• Strength: It develops a blockchain which targets a fast, high volume transactions and interface with existing blockchains.
• Weakness: A new blockchain which is currently under development is faced with unknown challenges.
Dimension Network:
• Strength: There is direct access to varied customer base from trading platforms. Also, a multi-network approach to a decentralized real-time currency could be faster than single network approaches.
• Weakness: It is not a first mover
• Threat: All existing companies become expanded or a new entrant usually takes market share before platform is released.
• Opportunity: There is access to international retail customer base in which turn makes provision for a competitive advantage on geographic expansion.

Operation Key Activities of the Platform

The following below are the operational key activities of the Dimensions Network platform;

There is a continuous improvement of the trading platform i.e. it is fast, convenient and private(secure).
Knowledge can be shared among departments.
Employee training is ensured.
Financial reporting.
Continuous monitoring of competitors and making necessary adjustments in approach
Awareness via production of educational materials is utilized.

Competitive Priorities of the Platform

Monitoring, identifying and understanding of consumer needs.
An intuitive interface development
Adaptation to changes in technology and response to customer enquiries in a timely manner.







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MonsterBit igra zasnovana na Blockchain-u

Igra je oduvek bila brzo razvijajuće polje koje, između ostalog, reguliše brzinu tehničkog razvoja personalne kompjuterske opreme. Razvijaci kompjuterskih igara sa svakim novim izdanjem njihovog softvera poboljšavaju zahteve za performanse igara. Ali to nikome ne zaustavlja, ljubitelji ljubaznih igara nadograđuju svoj računar i nastavljaju da prenose svoje omiljene igre. Uključivanje strasti, uzbuđenja i sajberprostora ne zaustavljaju igrače i online igre, kada u sledeću fazu igre morate kupiti novo oružje ili oklop za svog heroja, povećati njegov magični nivo ili poboljšati njegovo zdravlje. U igračkoj sobi, prodaja heroja i atributa koje se pumpe za njih veoma su popularne. Sve ovo je prirodno za najprirodniji novac. Iskreno, Ljubitelji igre ulažu hiljade dolara u cyber zabavu. Svi ovi novčani tokovi na kraju prelaze na programera.

A ovo je era valuta bloka i kripto-ekonomije. Decentralizacija se upoznaje sa svim oblastima ljudskog života, dok dokazuje svoju nesumnjivu nadmoćnost nad uspostavljenim, centralno uspostavljenim modelima. Ova pojava ne pobegne i igra prostor. Nedavno je decentralizovana igra na mreži Ethereum - CryptoKitties - iznenada probila život kripto fanova. I svi to uče, čak i oni koji ne igraju, jer je popularnost ove igre veoma fanatična zbog mnogih transakcija na mreži koja opterećuje ovu mrežu. Svi poslovi u Ethereum-u su veoma spori i skupi. Možete li zamisliti koliko je korisnika prijavljeno u CryptoKitties, šta se zapravo dešava u mreži?

I sada malo suštine, šta kripto znači, i kome to treba sve?
Naravno, to znači da je u prihodima. Da igrate morate kupiti heroj, u ovom slučaju to je kripto (bez obzira koliko je čudan zvuk). Zatim su odrastali, prešli i izvadili nove potomce, koji su zatim prodati za hiljade dolara. Ludost! - Reći ćeš možda. Ali ovo je ista igra, entuzijazam, neko spreman da plati da bi dobio zadovoljstvo, a neko spreman da zarađuje od njega. Za svaku transakciju u igri, programer uzima proviziju. Tako su programeri CryptoKitties - AxiomZen studio uspeli da proizvedu oko 2,7 miliona dolara za nedelju dana. Korisnici čine 25.000 transakcija, 20.500 kriptografija je prodato za prosečnu cenu od 108 dolara. Da li vam se sviđaju ovi brojevi? Za mene, puno! Ali, kako vreme prolazi, u bilo kom projektu,

Dakle, tim za programerje se žurio da uvede novu decentralizovanu MonsterBit igru. Suština je ista kao u kripto, samo heroj koji je čudovište. Tim pažljivo analizira sve minuse i prednosti projekta CryptoKitties. Funkcija, greška programera, nezadovoljstvo korisnika. I sve to se uzima u obzir uz dodatak proširenja funkcionalnosti u vašem MonsterBit projektu. U tom slučaju, rasteš svoje malo čudovište, kupiš hranu, oružje. Napredovanje, vaš junak se može prodati i nije loše zbog ovog rezultata. Verujem da je važno privući oglašivače na platformu. Pretpostavimo da ste igrač i ne želite da plaćate pravi novac za hranu svojim čudovištima, imate alternativu - možete videti oglase više nego platiti.

Sažetak O MosterBit
Da, MonsterBit se kopira iz CryptoKitties i autor ga ne sakriva. Zašto kreirati i eksperimentirati, uzimamo uspešan HYIP projekat i popravimo ga - to je ključ uspeha. Ne svi će razumjeti koncept kripto. Da, daleko je i nije, svi ne razumeju kripto valutnu suštinu. Ali, MonsterBit će zadovoljiti široku publiku. Oni koji žele da se zabave - to će učiniti. Neko će rasti svoje čudovište, prodati i napraviti dobar novac, ako hoće, to može više puta. Oglašavači će dobiti potencijalne kupce. Pa, investitori i projektni investitori će dobiti planirane pogodnosti.

Interna valuta projekta je Ethereum . Sadrži sve proračune unutar igre. MB token vam daje pravo da kupite čudovište koje generiše sistem.

Puno funkcionalna igra MonsterBit trebalo bi da bude objavljena od strane ekipe 01.07.2013.
Ukupno, planirano je prodati 6 miliona MB tokena u tri prodajna ruta:

- Runda 1 = 1 000 000 MB tokena. Prodaja je već u toku i trajaće do 20.03.2018.
Naknada žetona u krugu 1: 1MB = 0,2 USD

- Runda 2 = 2 000 000 MB tokena. Prodajni period je od 11.04. Do 25.04.2018.
Naknada žetona u Poglavlju 2: 1MB = 0,5 USD

- 3. kolo = 3.000.000 MB tokena . Period prodaje je od 26.05. Do 10.06.2018.
Naknada žetona u krugu 3: 1MB = $ 1- $ 2

Game Monsterbit takođe nudi i neke Bounty, Za više informacija o Bounty Monsterbit možete posetiti LINK BOUNTY MONSTERBIT

Ko su timovi iza igre MonsterBit?

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